Punishment of the biggest caliber

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 Sabo lost a fight against Kuma again and he was so stupid that he complained. So now he has to face his punishment. He sighed and knocked onto the door of Dragons special training place. Nobody answered so he opened and his eyes flew wide open. Dragon once told him that he would train him here himself when he is so wide. But he never thought that he already had two pupils. Inside the room is Harmony fighting Mako with bare hands while he is fighting back all out. Harmony punched the white haired teen into the jaw sending him flying away. He turned midair and used his feet to push himself from the wall. He flew back at Harmony and kicked her into the ribcage sending her tumbling down. She sat up and glared at him. There was no mercy in each other eyes. This was not like her fights with Ivankov out of anger or her fight with the cook for more cake. This was a battle field where only one will get out a the winner. And they both are determined to win. Dragon walked up to the blonde boy who observed how his red haired companion punched the ground breaking it into bids while Mako roundhouse kicked the boulders into smaller pieces. "You are here for the punishment?" asked Dragon perfectly knowing the answer. Sabo nodded bravely. Thought he was sweating bullets in the inside. What if he has to battle the two angry revolutionaries. "Harmony, Mako!" called out Dragon making them freeze mid punch. They relaxed and looked at the tattooed man. "Sabo is from now on a part of our haki trainings." Dragon said proudly but monotonously. The said boy gasped while the two smiled at him. Harmony run at him and tackled him into a hug. "Congratulations!" she cheered. "Not bad brat." Mako said smiling at him. "What?" asked Sabo not understanding anything. He read about Haki and got some info from others but he never really thought that the man who masters Haki like his second nature would teach him how to use his! "Kuma saw potential in you. So from now on you will come here for training. We will begin now. You two can go and take a shower." said them Dragon. "Cake!!!!" Harmony cheered letting the blonde go and stormed out of the training ground making Sabo sweatdrop and Mako sigh. "Good luck shrimp." he said and walked away with lazy steps.

A beat up Sabo walked into the galley where the others are playing cards and drinking. Harmony is munching and a chocolate cake while she is observing Mako winning in poker against the others. Today is Inazuman birthday so they are all happily celebrating tonight. "Sabo-kun!" Harmony yelled waving the boy over. He run to her. "I saved you a plate of dinner." she smiled. Sabo smiled back and inhaled the food making them all laugh. "You surely got an appetite." Bunny Joe laughed. Sabo burped and muched on his chicken meat. "I am full." he breathed out and fell back lying on Harmony's legs exhausted. "You held yourself good, brat." said Mako smiling at him before laying down his cards and winning the game in one go. "I am bored." whinned the red haired girl. "Then play too." said Kuma walking to Ivankov and informing him about something before they went away together. "Strange." muttered Sabo. "Those guys are always strange." Harmony said simply. "Now how did it go?" asked Mako. "We trained my Kenbunshoku haki." he mumbled. "And?" asked Harmony. "Dragon-san used dirty tricks." he said simply looking down at his lap. The others hissed understanding what he meant. "I dont get it." Harmonys clueless voice broke the tense atmosphere. "He got hit into his family jewels." said Terry Gilteo simply. "Family jewels?" asked Harmony. "The things between his legs." said Mako simply. "Oh." said Harmony in ave with her mouth in an O shape before a vein pulsed on her head. "I did not need to know that!!!" she cried out. "Calm it shrimp." said Jeff from the counter. "Shut it old man!" she yelled at him. "That is it! No more cake for you!!!!" he yelled. The ex save gasped. "I am sorry, Jeff! Please forgive me! Not the cake!!!" she cried dramatically. "That is a bit too dramatic if you ask me." Sabo said simply sweat dropping making Mako nod. Harmony looked at them with a dark expression her eyes shining with hate. "Cake is a holy thing. Don't you dare backmouth cake!" she yelled and punched both into the walls making a crater form into the place they hit. They are both stuck in the crate with mouths and eyes wide open and steaming bumps on top of their heads. "I am clear?" she asked looking down her eyes closed and hands on her hips. The two fell from the wall unconscious. "You didnt need to use Haoshoku Haki too you know?" asked Dragon seeing all of his man beside Kuma on the ground out like a light. "They pissed me off." she said simply eating her cake again. Dragon sighed and drank a bottle of Sake. "I like the silence thought." Kuma said reading a book. "Thanks Kuma!" she said happily and finished the cake.  

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