ch.1 - How we live

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Dedicated to


because her stories inspired me to stop acting out my books like a maniac when I'm alone in my house and actually publish them... hehe so heartfelt ;)


HIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's really late and I'm hungry so yeah, I'm making the big jump hohohoho!!!!!

OK, so my FIRST story EVER published... it still lacks in some parts (heck I'm not even an anglophone so don't yell at me for grammar and spelling but if you feel like correcting me, feel free to do so)

So yeah, BOYXBOY, meaning boy on boy, gay lovin', buttfucking and all that goes with it so if you don't like it well OBVIOUSLY don't read it. If I get any hate comments or whatever, I will take this personal and send an army of rainbow leprechauns after you to eat you alive, BEHOLD THE QUARTER IRISH PANSEXUAL CHICK!!!

Aside from that, any comment, feel free to express yourself I wanna know if you like it or I'll never publish a story again!!!!

That said....ENJOY!


(you just MIGHT consider this IMPORTANT chapie-wise)

 BAHAHAHAHA you thought you were done with the crazy author didn'tcha?!! Truth is, I'm speaking live from chapie 17 here, I cheated and got back to chapie 1 (hohohoho) you don't feel any speshul bond towards Scars (for now) but I'll say it anyways:

So there's this thing I started where everytime I reach something-hundred votes, I get the "something" number of chapies within the next 2 days or so. Meaning when we reach 400 votes, then it's 4 chapies in 2 days, etc etc :) THAT MEANS VOOOOOTE XD (I figured telling you at the beggining would be more efficient XD) (And the same goes for comments)              

*from chapie 21* Ok, we almost got 1000 votes, this not working anymore XD SOWWY

Then you get more chapies and you're happy!!!

I'm done, now read before Rainy-baby bites you XD

I got out of the hotel, breathing a huge puff of cold, polluted air, mentally counting the time left to go before I could finally crash on my bed and escape into numbness. It was 1:30 a.m., meaning I still had two hours to go before salvation. As I waited for Lotus, I pulled out a drag and let the relaxing poison slowly seep in my lungs and—hopefully—give me an incurable cancer or something.Okay, that did sound pretty suicidal. Heck, everything I say sounds suicidal to some extent. I just don’t really see the point in all this. Life and all? I mean it’s just, meeeh. But I'm not part of those idyllic people who manage to make themselves believe love doesn’t exist. Cause, well, I'm not going to lie to myself—or you for that instance—love does exist. Which is exactly the reason why I find life painful and shitty. I learnt there’s no such love as one that goes beyond all things, and I learnt it the hard way. I even managed to make my parents hate me, and it’s not like I did anything real bad. Except trying to be myself. And well, here’s the thing: when life turns against you, guess what happens? You turn against life, your own for my case. Depressing huh? Well life sucks that way. And not the kind of sucking that feels good.

I got out of my mental whirlwind of happiness when a tiny hand slapped me across the face. My eyes angrily bolted to the small, gorgeous asian chick smiling smugly in front of me.

Scars (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now