ch.20 - Back to School

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Remember me? Yeah, the crazy chica that writes this book? It’s been a pretty long time hehehehe…


I had finals and then graduation and then work (twelve hours shifts, woo-fucking-hoo) and this chapter gave me a hard time… Cuz it’s kind of important :3

So yeah, it’s THIRTEEN PAGES long okay, THIRTEEN!!!!! Because I love you guys and because yeah, that’s how it is XD

And oh, did I mention that, no I didn't… Pure minds, beware for this chapie holds some… ya know whatamean :3 :3 :3 sexy time oooouh! Just because I love you XD

Honestly, that story writes itself, I read it and I was like: Wtf, how the hell did it get there?!!


Seriously, I deserve an extra quantity of COMMENTS and VOTES and FANNING for this one!!!! :D


Next chapie I will be updating will be on Angels Fall First, so GO READ IT if you haven’t yet, main character’s Williams (the crazy driver dude XD )


----Video on the side is random XD It’s a thing about Being who you want to be I made with my friend for school and other stuff :3 It’s pretty awesome, I have to admit. Everything was filmed and drawn by us. EVERYTHING… so yeah :P


That was WAAAAAY too long XD

I LOVE YOU!!!! ENJOY!!!!! :D



(Rain’s POV)

I woke up to the shrill sound of the alarm clock drilling into my skull with every second I didn't get out of bed. I couldn’t.  My eyelids, my entire body, they felt so heavy I wasn’t able to gather the strength to heave myself up. All I could do was hope for the ringing to stop and try the best I could not to sink back into sleep.

“Daddy! Daddy, wake uuuup!!!!” one of the kids called enthusiastically.

That’s when I remembered I had to get up. Reminding myself of all the reasons I had to keep going, I painfully dragged myself off the bed, groaning at the effort it took me and the pain it was giving to every muscle in my body. As soon as I was standing, the throbbing inside my head exploded into such a lacerating headache I had to choke back a cry. Fucking alarm clock.

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