Cookies and Dancing

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Ginny hated herself for crying.

She didn't even like Harry. Well, as a friend, of course she did, but romantically...?

Why did she even care?

Sure, when she was younger she did have a huge crush on The Boy Who Lived, but that was before she knew him. That was before she was his friend - his real friend. That was before she got close enough to realize how modest and sweet he was.

That was before he attempted to save her life.

And it was before she learnt how so very easy it would be to... fall for him.

But she hadn't. Of course she hadn't.

So why was she sitting in his living room, vaguely listening to him cook while tears poured down her face for the second time that day? Why did her heart kick into overdrive when he spoke to her, and why was it that whenever he touched her she got goosebumps?

Realizing that Harry would be done with breakfast any minute, Ginny tried hastily to wipe her tears away and look normal.

And she was right. He appeared a moment later, carrying two plated of eggs and bacon in his arms. He set hers in her lap, and smiled a little.

"We don't have to do our lessons today, you know," he said somewhat casually, trying to break the tension. "We could go out and try something new." He paused before adding, "Or we could stay here, if you want."

He turned to look at her and his smile faded. He murmured, "You've been crying again."

Ginny swallowed. "Sorry... this just isn't a very good day for me."

"That's okay," he said, taking her hand. His ghost of a smile resurfaced. "I have a few chores to do around here - but you don't have to stay."

She managed to give a watery laugh, then turned to answer, but her eyes met his emerald ones. Everything seemed to stop. Both their smiles dropped, and Ginny couldn't bring herself to tear her gaze away from his. His hand tightened in hers, and they both suddenly realized how close they were.

For a second, she thought Harry was going to kiss her, and was a bit put out when he pulled back reluctantly.

Ginny averted her eyes and cleared her throat. "No, I'll - uh, I'll stay. Of course I'll stay."

Of course she hadn't fallen for him.



After their breakfast, Harry led her into the kitchen.

"So, what are we doing?" she asked.

"Making cookies," he answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Harry began to get bowls and measuring cups down from the cupboards.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ginny said, stopping him, "I thought we were doing chores."

"You'd rather be doing chores?" he asked her blankly.

"No, I mean... no. But why are we making cookies?"

He shrugged. "Cookies are good. Cookies can make you feel better. Now," he turned back to the cupboard, "what kind do you like? We can make chocolate cookies, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, raisin cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, cranberry cookies, raspberry cookies, lemon cookies -" He threw a grin at her. "- and my favorites, just for future reference, are the chocolate chip cookies."

Ginny laughed, for real that time. "I like those too."

"Chocolate chip, it is!" he decided, triumphantly bringing out a large bag of chocolate chips, flour, measuring cups, and a mixing bowl. He washed his hand and so did she, before he asked, "Gin, do me a favor and get about three eggs out of the refrigerator, will you?"

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