Spells and Startings

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Ginny Floo'd to Grimlaud Place and found that Harry was already there with Sirius.

"Am I late?" she asked, letting her presence be known to the two men.

"Oh, Ginny," Sirius said happily. "No, you're perfect. Harry just got here."

Harry was wearing a white, button-down, collard shirt that had long sleeves. The top button was unbuttoned. (And he was wearing jeans.) And Sirius was wearing his normal thing - a black cloak.

"I brought you a wand," Harry said, reaching in his pocket and bringing out a wand. He handed it to her.

Ginny bit her lip, rolling it around in her right hand. It was dark brown with a black handle. She smiled at Harry. "Thanks."

"Shall we start?" Sirius asked.

They both nodded, grinning.


"We're first going to teach you a simple shield charm," said Sirius. They were standing in an empty room, their wands in their hands. "It creates a temporary shield and blocks minor attacks. The incantation is 'Protago.' Now, Harry will show you how it's done. Stupefy!"

Harry flicked his wand, Ginny saw him mutter "Progeto," and the spell was instantly deflected.

"Okay," Ginny said, raising her wand determinedly. "That looks easy, let me try..."

Harry chuckled. "I have had practice, but I'm pretty sure you'll get it quick."

"Try it first without an upcoming spell," said Sirius. "Then we'll shot a spell your way when we know you actually can do it."


She gripped her wand tightly, hoping it would work, and said clearly, "Progeto!"

There was a kind of snapping sound, and a blue light came from Ginny's wand, and for about five seconds it was there but then it faded quickly.

Ginny's face fell, but Sirius and Harry were clapping.

"Was that how it was supposed to go?" Ginny asked blankly.

Sirius laughed. "Yes, Ginny, that's how it's supposed to go. It lasts longer when there are spells trying to penetrate it, but when there's nothing it just simply goes away."

Ginny brightened up. "I told you I'd do it, Harry."

"I didn't say you couldn't," Harry said, grinning. "I said even I had trouble with that spell. A lot of people do, you'd be amazed how many Aurors can't do a simple shield charm."


For the rest of the day they practiced spells. Ginny learned loads, and had a lot of fun with Harry and Sirius on the way. And plus, she felt a bit safer, sense she actually knew how to defend herself, even if she didn't have a wand all the time. At least she knew how.

"You did wonderfully," Harry told her as Sirius left to get them some butterbeer. "Really great. I'm surprised."

Ginny raised her eyebrows. Did you not think I could pull this off?"

"No, it's just... The way I have remembered you for years in a shy little girl who never talked to me, and now I feel like you're like a best friend. I never expected that little girl to be able to pull this off, not you."

Ginny looked at him and smiled. "That was the mother of all good answers." She sighed. "I dunno, I think of myself that way sometimes too. Mind you, I haven't looked in a mirror in ten years except a few months ago. I didn't know how much I had grown up myself. It's actually quite scary, not knowing what you look like all of the time. I didn't even get to watch myself grow up. I don't know why they didn't just kill me - I wanted to die the entire time I was there. I tried to make them kill me, insulting them and screaming things when they were about to leave. But they never did, they always just hurt me worse. And I never died from wounds or anything. I think they made me live so I suffered more. But now look where it's landed me. Here, with my family. And you."

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