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Ginny woke up crying for the fourth time that week. She rolled over and sobbed into a pillow, shaking and scared.

She was scared for two reasons - one, what Hermione might do if she figured out about these dreams - and two, the dreams themselves. Every one started the same...

Two men glare at each other from across the alleyway. One man makes his way toward the other, and says bossily but quietly, "You're supposed to be guarding the stone, Trent... Who put you out here?"

"None of your business," sneered the other man. "I'll give you my word, the stone's well protected."

"How good is your word?" the man snapped angrily. "As good as last time? You almost blew our cover, you damn -"

"I almost blew our cover? I did? No one was bloody there!" the other argued.

"He should've disposed of you when he had the chance," the first man spat out. Then he grinned, and looked around the alleyway. Seeing nothing, he added quietly, "You'll only slow us down, Trent... Aveada Kedavera!" he hissed, pointing his want at a still-shocked Trent.

Ginny wasn't sure what was so haunting about her dreams. She just hated them. She loathed every second and wanted nothing more then for them to stop.

Shaking and tired, she got herself up, walking into the bathroom and scrubbing her tear-stained face.

Just wash the pain away...


Harry had to stop it. He had to stop thinking about her, because it had gone too far, and he knew it. Thinking about Ginny was one thing, but going and dreaming about her was another. He wouldn't get those images out of his head for weeks, probably...

He groaned, turning around in his bed. He couldn't have Ginny, he never could. She was Ron's sister. Yeah, Ron's amazingly beautiful sister...

He didn't think he had ever seen any girl as beautiful as Ginny Weasley. He didn't think he had ever met anyone like her, not ever. She was smart, witty, beautiful - a Weasley, no less, and whenever Harry looked at her he just wanted to kiss her soft-looking lips and her eyes just -

Ah. The eyes.


The bad part about his fast-developing crush on Ginny was that he turned pink whenever she talked to him, and he thought she might've started to notice. He would stumble over his words, as well.

But he couldn't have her.

Harry almost fell out of his bed. It was Saturday, he suddenly realized. Remus was working. Tonks was in Scotland, visiting friends. Sirius was out for the day...

He would have to be alone with Ginny for hours, teaching her.

He had slept in.

She would be there any minute.


And, as he predicted, there was a timid knock on the door at that moment and his eyes flew open. He practically ran to get the door.

"Hi - Ginny," he yawned. He was in his pajamas and didn't even grab his glasses.

"Oh - Harry, you're half asleep!" she laughed weakly, and he let her in. "Did you sleep in again?"

"Sorry," he mumbled, loving the sound of her voice. A little color rose in his cheeks. "I'll be right back - make yourself comfortable."

He ran into his room and quickly put on some clothes and his glasses.

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