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They ate dinner at a Muggle diner. Ginny was talking to Ron, Sirius, and Tonks about what it was like to be an Auror, while Hermione listened in. Harry mostly kept to himself, not wanting everything to revolve around him, like it so often was. But he couldn't help notice Ginny looking around at the other people in the diner as if they would whip out a dagger and start stabbing people, and he found it odd.

Suddenly, Ginny leaned forward and whispered to everyone, "You're sure it's safe here?"

Sirius raised an eyebrow as he took a bite of his chicken. Then he swallowed and said, "No, we're positive. Why are you asking?"

She shook her head, mumbled, "Never mind," and took a drink.

"What's Quidditch like?" Ginny asked suddenly. "I know it's a silly question, but you know..."

Harry made sure no Muggles were looking at them or eavesdropping, then despite himself jumped into the conversation. "Quidditch is the best thing in the world!"

Hermione frowned. "It's a sport."

"Well I knew that, I'm not stupid!" Ginny exclaimed. "I mean... I haven't been on a broom in ten years!"

"Since when have you even gone on one?" Ron asked.

"I took yours while you weren't looking," she answered. "Since I was six."


"I remember you were the youngest Seeker in about a century," Ginny said, looking to Harry. "That's pretty impressive. I don't remember going to any actual games. Maybe I did, I have no idea. I don't remember a lot."

"How're you doing with spells?" Tonks asked a bit quietly, due to the Muggles.

Hermione quipped something like "Wonderful!" but Ginny said, "I feel stupid."

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Because I'm learning spells I did ten years ago all over again, and no one's taking me seriously."

"Of course we do!" Hermione looked crestfallen.

"Sorry Hermione."

"What do you mean you're not taking her seriously?" Harry asked, butting in again. "She's not a child anymore."

"I know but -" Hermione began.

"How about we teach Ginny now?" Sirius asked. "You had your fun, Hermione, but it's our turn now."

"Fine," Hermione agreed. "If you don't want my help, then -"

"Now wait a minute -"

"Can we not start this here?" Tonks asked, gesturing around them. A few Muggles had begun to stare.

"No heard feelings, Hermione," Ginny said quietly to Hermione, "sorry if I upset you."

"Don't be sorry," said Hermione, sighing. "I guess I thought you would think I was pushing you too hard if I taught you other spells. It's okay."

"What spells HAVE you learned?" Harry asked.

"Well..." Ginny bit her lip. "I learned a fair few... To hell with it, I learned about three. And I still need my new wand."

"You can come by my place tomorrow morning," said Sirius. "Tonks, Harry, are you there?"

"I have duty," Tonks answered.

"I can make it," Harry said, happy to have a chance to get to know Ginny better.

The Muggles were really staring now, listening in to their conversation. Hermione cleared her voice and suggested, "Um... Why don't we go?"

Ginny stood up immediately. The place really made her feel uncomfortable.

The group of them were walking down the Muggle Cinema's brightly lit streets. It was night, and they were joking and laughing as they walked along. Except Ginny; she laughed every once and awhile, but mostly glanced around nervously at her dark surroundings.

She was afraid; so afraid that some strange person she didn't know would come and force her away from the group, take her back to that dreadful basement...

"So you old me Voldemort was dead," she said. "How'd that happen?"

Ginny used to overhear the Death Eaters, and the way they talked was as if Voldemort was immortal and would never die, and the scary thing was that she had no choice but to believe them.

The laughter drained from their faces. Hermione decided to talk first.

"He had dark objects called Horcruxes, which basically preserved his soul... Then we destroyed them one by one until he was mortal again."

"So he was - at one point - immortal?" Ginny asked.

There was a collective nod by everyone except Harry.

"Not exactly," Harry said. "He always could've been destroyed, so he was never technically immortal. Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing," Ginny said. "It's getting late, Hermione, can we go?"

Hermione frowned for a fraction of a second, but then brightened up and said, "Of course, Ginny... Ron, you have work in the morning, let's go!" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing Ron's wrist.

Tonks grinned and said, "I have work as well, see you there Ron. G'nite you guys."


"Are you going, Sirius?" Ginny asked.

"No, I'm going to walk around in the dark so I get lost and terrified." Sirius rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm going! See you tomorrow, Ginny, Harry."

He Apparated away, Tonks at his heels.

Harry grinned at them. "Well I guess I don't even have a choice. Bye you guys. Thanks for inviting me, Hermione," he said, hugging Hermione and giving Ron a brotherly hug, and when he turned to Ginny, she expected a friendly handshake, but he pulled her into a hug as well. "See you tomorrow."

Ginny didn't get to say goodbye before he left.

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