Getting Better

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Ron went to visit Ginny every day after work, Harry tagging along sometimes, but he mostly kept to himself. Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys visited her as well, and Ron informed Harry of Ginny's conditions, which were doing well. Ron also told Harry with glee that she would be able to get out of St. Mungo's in a month.

Harry was happy that she would be out and about, but his brain still couldn't wrap around the fact that she was alive.

Not dead. Alive. What? Alive. Wow. And twenty one. Ten years...

He knew he should try and get to know Ginny, but thought it would be incredibly awkward. He tried to save her and couldn't - he used to hit himself for not being faster. How could he let an innocent child die like that?

Oh yeah, she's not dead. Forgot.

So Harry let the weeks pass normally, going to work, going home, going to work. He heard of Ginny's status from Ron daily.

Harry just walked in his door after work one day and found Hermione in his living room.

"Whoa - how did you get in here?!"

"The door," Hermione answered, rolling her eyes. She had her hair done up in a pony tail, was wearing a light blue sweater and jeans with sneakers. "I got in through the door, Harry. Anyway, Ginny's been back, she's doing really well - I've been teaching her simple spells - and we're going out tonight, want to come?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know, Hermione... Who's going?"

"Sirius, Tonks, Ginny, Ron and I," she said. "And you, if you'll come."

"Where are we going?"

"Oh I don't know, somewhere. Ginny hasn't been out yet, I think it'll do her some good... And you alike. Have you had any time to yourself lately? It's Saturday tomorrow. Come on, we haven't seen you in ages."

Harry pondered it. "Hermione..."



"Yay! Come over at eight, don't be late, because I know you, Harry -"



"Get out of my house. Please. I'll be over at eight."

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him and turned her heel, but stopped and said, "Oh yeah, where's your 'girlfriend'?"

"You really thought I had a girlfriend? You're so gullible, Hermione. I thought you knew me."


Ginny was staying with Ron and Hermione. She was still really skinny and pale, but there had been much an improvement in her. Her old laugh had returned... somewhat. She knew what she looked like - she hadn't because she was in the dark for ten years and besides, there was no mirrors - so she could actually do her makeup and hair. She didn't get her wand yet, but had practiced with either Ron's or Hermione's; she had so far been able to stun Sirius, unlock a door, and transfigure a teacup. Hermione said she was doing great, but Ginny felt stupid learning first year spells when she was twenty one.

"We're going out tonight!" Hermione announced to her. "It will be fine, Ginny! You need to get out. Look how pale you are!"

"What?" Ginny asked blankly. Hermione had made her jump when she walked into the room talking loudly. Ginny felt like she was always jumping. "I don't want to go out."

"You have to," said Hermione. "I already asked Sirius, and Tonks, and Harry, and they're coming, so -"

"But I don't want to!" Ginny insisted.

"Why not?" Hermione looked really disappointed. "Come on Ginny. I even convinced Harry for you, so you'd be more comfortable around people you know. Please? It won't be long - and you might even have fun!"

"It's not that I don't want to have fun," said Ginny. "I'm scared."

Hermione looked at her. "Why?"

"I'm scared they'll take me again," Ginny said, her eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to relive that."

Hermione hugged her friend. "You won't. No one will ever hurt you again, Ginny... We won't let it happen. I won't, Ron won't, or Sirius, or Tonks, or even Harry. We all love you. Let me tell you something."

They sat down on the sofa, Ginny's tears stopping.

"When you... disappeared," Hermione began. "We all felt horrible. All your brothers and your parents were so sad, and depressed. I sort of thought if I had been there I would've been able to help you, but I realized I shouldn't blame it on myself.

"Unfortunately, Ron was slow to realize that. I had to convince him it wasn't his fault.

"But Harry... Oh Merlin, Ginny, you should've seen it. It was horrible. He blames himself for everything, and when you left, he was twelve. Can you imagine being only twelve and thinking you watched one of your friends die? And he was so stubborn. He said it was his fault he couldn't save you. It was so bloody stupid. I smacked him, you know. After he told me all that.

"And now that you're okay - well, not OKAY - but alive, it's his chance to forgive himself. Please go out to dinner with us."

Ginny looked at her, going over what she said. Then she shrugged. "I don't know, Hermione... Who's going?"

Hermione giggled. "You do know that EXACTLY what Harry did. Shrugged, and said those exact words. It's just Harry, Ron, Sirius, Tonks, you, and me."

"Are Tonks and Sirius going out?" Ginny asked as they stood up.

Hermione laughed. "Nah, that would be disgusting! They're cousins. Tonks likes Remus."


"Yep. Now come on, everyone will be here at eight - I'll do your makeup."


"Oh my God, Hermione. What the bloody hell did you do to me?!"

Ginny gaped at herself in the mirror. Hermione had put the top of her hair in a pony tail, and curled the hair that fell to he shoulders. She was wearing a yellow tang top with a little, green see-through sweater (the sleeves went to her elbows), blue jeans, and sandals.

Hermione had used her magical makeup powers to cover up Ginny's visible bruises, then gave her light green eyeshadow and a bit of mascara.

"I made you look pretty," said Hermione, smiling at her. "Do you like it?"

"I - um - of course!" Ginny grinned. "But I kid of look ridiculous. To me, any way."

"Ha, you DO look ridiculous!" Sirius walked in and grabbed a wad of toilet paper Hermione had been using for her makeup.

Ginny snatched it away from him and threw it away. "You idiot, Sirius! How did you get in here?"

"The door, duh!"

Hermione shooed him downstairs, but Ginny stayed in the bathroom, dabbing at her makeup.

"You should keep it on."

Ginny jumped so hard she knocked over the mouthwash and dived down to grab it. "You scared me!"

"Evidentially, are you okay?" Harry asked, helping her up.

"Yeah, I should be fine... Okay, makeup; ridiculous or not?"

Harry looked at her and chuckled. "You're asking a guy's opinion on this?"

"Apparently I am. So?"

He shrugged. "Sort of both. You don't need it - henceforth the ridiculousness - but it looks nice nonetheless."

Ginny smiled and nodded towards the door. "We'd better get down there, or Hermione will freak out..."

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