Deleted Chapter: Anyone

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A/N: So here is my deleted Chapter of the Lying Detective. This of course is going to take place pretty much back at the beginning where Sherlock is in his drug haze and "Faith" has come to him about her case. Originally, I wasn't going to include this part but after I finished this story I came up with an idea for this part and I just had to write it down. Enjoy!

"Three years ago, my father told me he wanted to kill someone. One word, Mr Holmes and it changed my life forever." said Faith as she stands by the right hand window while Sherlock, who is wearing a dark blue dressing gown over his clothes, slumps in his chair looking over the piece of paper she handed to him. The room of 221B is an even worse mess than usual, with papers and files scattered everywhere and piles of books on the table by John's chair.

Sherlock folds the paper over and looks back at it, then straightens his fingers and notices that they are trembling slightly. "Just one word." Faith said as Sherlock looks up at her as she clenches her hands over the top of her cane in front of her, still facing the window. "What word?" He asked her as he lowers the paper and picks up his mobile.

"A name." She replied.

"What name?" Sherlock asked as he looks through his phone.

"I can't remember." She said as she walks over to the client's chair and sits down. "I can't remember who my father wanted to kill....and I don't know if he ever did it." She continued as he looks up a photo of Faith and her father, Culverton Smith, smiling in the picture and then looks over at her.

"Well, you've changed. You no longer top up your tan and your roots are showing. Letting yourself go?" He said as he exits out of the photo and clicks on the photo of you and him together from your wedding day. He gives a small smile at this as Faith asked. "Do you ever look in the mirror and want to see someone else?"

"No. Do you own an American car?" He asked.

"I'm sorry?" She asked. Sherlock closes his eyes and waves a hand vaguely as he says. "No, not American; left hand drive, that's what I mean."

"No. Why-why do you ask?" She asked him. He blinks and looks across to her and said, shrugging. "Not sure, actually. Probably just noticed something."

"Look at her skirt." He hears your voice said and he shakes his head, grimacing, and gestures angrily in front of him. He looks down at his hand held out in front of him and sees that it's trembling. He clenched it into a fist with a sharp snap, then stretches them out again but they continue to tremble.

"Are you okay?" Faith asked him. "Oh, of course you don't own a car. You don't need one, do you, living in isolation, no human contact, no visitors." He said as he unfolds the paper again. "Okay, how do you know that?" She asked as she fiddles with her necklace. "It's all here, isn't it? Look." He replied as he brandish the paper.

He stands up and wanders across the room towards her, showing her the paper. "Cost cutting's clearly a priority for you. Look at the size of your kitchen: teeny-tiny. Must be a bit annoying when you're such a keen cook." He said as he walks over to the right hand window. "I don't understand." Faith said, confused.

"Hang on a minute....I was looking out the window. Why was I doing that?" He asked. "I don't know!" Faith exclaimed. "Me either. Must have had a reason. It'll come back to me." He said, shaking his head, and he walks back across the room, folding the paper in half and sniffing it as he goes. "Presumably you downsized when you....when you left your job...." He said and he raises the paper to his mouth and bites into the edge of it. "....and maybe when you ended the relationship." He continues as he slumps down into his chair.

"You can't know that." She said.

"Course I can. There wasn't anything physical going on, was there? Quite some time, in fact." He replied as he runs his fingers along the fold. Then he waves the paper at her and said. "There, see? It's obvious."

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