Chapter 6: Killing Humans Makes Me So Incredibly Happy

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Meanwhile at the hospital, Sherlock huffs out a noisy breath and opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times. Smith breathes out noisily again. "You've been ages waking up. I watched you. It's quite lovely in its way." Smith said, quietly. Sherlock swallows and looks towards the man. "Take it easy. It's okay. Don't want to rush this. You're Sherlock Holmes." Smith said, quietly.

"How did you get in?" Sherlock asked in a whisper. Smith stands and walks closer to the bed, pointing towards the door. "Policeman outside, you mean? Come on. Can't you guess?" He asked as he keeps his voice low. Sherlock gaze turns to the wooden panel opposite his bed. "Secret door." He replied, softly. "I built this whole wing." Culverton said, looking up and twirling a finger indicating their surroundings.

"Kept firing the architect and builders so no-one knew quite how it all fitted together. I can slip in and out anywhere I like, you know.....when I get the urge." Culverton said.

"H. H. Holmes." Sherlock stated as Culverton smiles.

"Murder castle, but done right. I have a question for you. Why are you here? It's like you walked into my den and laid down in front of me." Culverton said and Sherlock lowers his eyes. "Why?" Smith asked. "You know why I'm here." Sherlock said as he meets Smith's gaze briefly, then lowers his eyes again. "I'd like to hear you say it. Say it for me, please." Culverton said, smiling. Sherlock fixes his gaze on Smith and said. "I'd want you to kill me."

Culverton moves over to the side of the bed and rested his gloved left hand on the bed very close to the end of Sherlock's left hand as it rrests of the blanket. "If you increase the dosage four or five times.. toxic shock should shut me down within about an hour." Sherlock said as Smith looks across to the drip stands. He straightens up and starts walking around the foot of the bed. "Then I restore the settings. Everyone assumes it was a fault, or you just gave up the ghost." Culverton said as he smiles.

"Yes." Sherlock stated.

"You're rather good at this." Smith said as he takes his jacket off. "Before we start....tell me how you feel." He said as he drops his chair jacket onto the chair near the drip stands. He reaches to the shirt cuff on his left hand and takes out the cufflink.

"I feel scared." Sherlock replied, softly. Smith scoffs, quietly, then said. "Be more specific. You only get to do this once." Smith said, chuckling.

"I'm...scared of dying." Sherlock replied as Smith removes his right cufflink and puts both of them onto the seat of the chair. "You want this, though." Smith said as he rolls up his sleeves.

"I have....reasons." Sherlock said.

"But you don't actually want to die." said Smith.

"No." said Sherlock. Smith smiles and said. "Good. Say that for me. Say it."

Sherlock frowns slightly then said. "I don't want to die."

"And again." Smith said.

"I don't want to die." Sherlock said alittle louder and more firmly.

"Once more for luck." He said, softly.

"I don't want to die. I don't..." Sherlock said, tearfully, but he pauses as Smith steps closer to his bed and leans over him.

Suddenly, images of you pop into Sherlock's head as he said. "....don't want to die."
Culverton leans closer until his face is only a few inches above Sherlock's and he said in a soft intense voice. "Lovely." Twitching a smile, he straightens up.

"Here it comes." He said and he reaches a finger to the control panel next to the drip stands and presses the button twice. It beeps noisily each time and he presses another button and it starts to press it repeatedly. Sherlock stares at him in anguish.

The Lying Detective (Sherlock x Female!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz