Chapter 3: Culverton Smith

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"And action!"

"I'm a killer. You know I'm a killer. But did you know.....I'm a cereal killer?" Culverton recited as he looks into the camera and holds up a bowl of cereal. He takes a bite and hums, appreciatively.

"And, cut! And cut there, thank you!" The director shouted.

Through the whole time Culverton was doin g this cereal commercial, Sherlock smirks and shakes his head in disbelief as he watches this man. Culverton claps his hand and gestures forth a woman, wearing a headset and carrying a bucket. Culverton spits out the cereal into the bucket as you and the boys watch on. You had to look away as it was making you nauseous.

"Has it occurred to you, anywhere in your dug-addled brain, that you've just been played?" John asked Sherlock.

"Oh, yes." Sherlock said.

"For an ad campaign." You said.

"Brilliant, isn't it?" Sherlock asked.

"Brilliant?" John asked, confused.

"Safest place to hide. Plain sight." Sherlock said, smirking.

Culverton's assistant walks towards the three of you. "Mr Holmes? Culverton want to know if you're okay going straight to the hospital?" She asked. "Hospital?" You and John asked.
"Culverton's doing a visit. The kids would love to meet you three. I think he's sort of promised." The assistant said.
"Oh, okay." Sherlock said.

"If you'd just like to come this way." She said as she ushers you and the boys outside towards the limousine.

Few moments later, Sherlock is sitting inside the limo, texting. You sit beside him as John climbs in and sits next to you. "So....what are we doing here? What's the point?" John asked. "I needed a hug." Sherlock stated.

Before John could make a comment, Culverton approaches and knocks on the window. John lowers the window and Culverton leans in. "What do you think, Mr Holmes? Cereal Killer?" He asked Sherlock. "It's funny 'cos it's true!" Sherlock said, sarcastically.

Culverton smirks and said. "See you at the hospital." And he turns and walked away but Sherlock shouts. "Oh, you can have this back."

And he stops texting on the phone, awaiting for a response. "Have what back?" Culverton asked him. "Thanks for the hug." Sherlock replied, handing Culverton's phone out to him. "Oh, I sent and deleted a text. You might get a reply, but I doubt it." said Sherlock and Culverton takes the phone and pockets it.

"It's password protected." He said.

"Oh, please!" Sherlock said.

"We're going to have endless fun, Mr Holmes, aren't we?" asked Culverton. "Oh, no. No, not endless." Sherlock sneered and with that Culverton walks away.

You let out a deep breath as you felt Sherlock shifting uncomfortably in his seat. John notices this too and asked. "Need another hit, do you?"
"I can wait until the hospital." replied Sherlock.

You roll your eyes when suddenly you felt nauseous and you go and hold your stomach. "You OK?" John asked you, looking at you with concern. Sherlock looks over at you as well as you said. "Just not feeling too good that's all. Hopefully it'll pass." You said as the limo takes you three to the hospital.

Next thing you knew, you were bending over a toilet, throwing up. You and the boys made it to the hospital and Sherlock had to go take a hit but you needed to use the restroom to puke your guts out, at least that's what it felt like. You flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.

You turn on the faucet and cupped your hands under it to get a handful of water, put it in your mouth to wash out any sort of vomit. Then you spit it out and turn the faucet off as you look up at the mirror and looked up at yourself. How am I going to tell him? You thought as you look at yourself for a long moment.

The Lying Detective (Sherlock x Female!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora