chapter one || i look like a tomato

Start from the beginning

8, 4, 2, 8, 6, 7, 4, 2.

The gate clicks open and Four leads us through.

"How did you know that?" Caleb asks, his voice full of emotion to the point where it sounds like he's going to burst into tears any second.

"I worked in the Dauntless control room, monitoring the security system. We only change the codes twice a year," Four explains.

"How lucky," Caleb mutters wearily.

"Luck has nothing to do with it," Four interjects dryly, "I only worked there to make sure I could get out." His tone is like a desert; always dry. Four and Tris then lead us through the gate, with Marcus gently escorting Peter and I. I feel myself starting to wobble as I walk. Probably blood loss. I'm already lightheaded – dizziness would only be expected. Peter has a tourniquet on his arm, but my wound has just been free-flowing for a while now. I really need to get to Amity.

The lights are the first thing I see. They force me to squint. We get closer and closer until I can make out large windows alongside wooden and glass buildings, just after an orchard ends. Fruit hangs from the overlaying branches, sending a comforting sweet and earthy aroma breezing onto my cheeks. When we near the end of the trail, Marcus withdraws his hands from our shoulders and moves out front as Caleb reclaims his previous position.

"I know where to go," Marcus says.

We pass the first wooden building and move onto the second. I notice that all of the different structures, except the greenhouses, are constructed with the same dark and unpainted wood. It gives a really natural aesthetic to the compound. A few windows are open, which allow the sounds of laughter to bubble through the gentle air. Nobody guards the doors. It's Amity; they trust everyone. The interior is calming as well; roughly built with wood, but not to the point where it's uncomfortable. It's homey and warm and relaxing – a deep contrast from what I've been used to.

Marcus stops in front of an open room, inside of which I assume the representative of Amity – Johanna Reyes – is sitting. My suspicions are affirmed when we see her staring out the window. She soon feels our presence in the room and turns.

"Oh, thank God," she sighs when she sees Marcus. Her features are marred with a scar, though I don't know where she got it from. She's unmistakable. Some people say that she would have been beautiful had it not been for the mark on her face, but I think it just makes her look tougher. She stands up and opens her arms for an embrace, but instead places her hands on Marcus' shoulders.

"The other members of you party got here a few hours ago, but they weren't sure if you had made it." Party? Were they other Abnegation members?

She looks over where her hands are placed and scans over Tris, Four and Caleb, before her features settle with concern when she reaches me and Peter. "Oh my. I'll send for a doctor. I can grant you all permission to stay the night, but tomorrow, our community must decide together. And," Johanna explains, while eyeing a certain four of us, "they will likely not be enthusiastic about a Dauntless presence in out compound. I of course ask you to turn over any weapons you have."

I immediately reach behind my back to retrieve my gun. Four hands his over, as do I. "I assure you, Ms. Reyes–"

"Please, Johanna."

"I assure you, Johanna, that we will uphold your peaceful values while seeking refuge at your compound. It is greatly appreciated." I see out of the corner of my eye Four restricting Tris from handing her gun over. Likewise, I leave a small blade tucked inside my boot where it is. It's smart, in some sense.

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