Start from the beginning

"Yeah," Harry said agreeing with what his bright friend said as he made his way towards the other side of the room.
"There's a lot of that going around at the moment." He continued.
"So what is this place," The boy asked looking around once again.
"It's head quarters," Ron stated "Of the Order of the Pheonix, a secret society." Hermione explained standing next to him. "Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who."

"You couldn't have you know, explained this in a letter." Harry said recalling all the letters he had written to them but had gotten none in return. "I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

"We wanted to write mate, really we did." Ron responded, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." Hermione stated her eyes filled with guilt as well.
"It's not like you were bored all summer either, according to the letters you sent us." Ron said smirking remembering the many letters that Harry had sent him about the ginger haired muggle beauty, Harry's words not his. That he had met over the summer holiday. Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but slightly smile at the thought of Edith Ambermathy. But that feeling did not last for long, as it was quickly replaced with the once anger he had.
"But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help." Harry argued "I'm the one who fought Voldemort, I'm the one who say Cedric Diggory get killed."
"Harry," Hermione trailed he voice soft and carful.
"Thought we heard your dulcet tones," A familiar voice, or you could say voices said. Popping from out of mid air. Fred and George Weasley. Their tall forms and fiery ginger hair seemed to lighten up the room all on their own.
"Don't bottle it up mate, let it all out." Fred said.
"If you're all done shouting, want to hear something a little more interesting?" George asked a playful tone in his voice as he raised an eyebrow at the trio.

After many attempts of trying to hear the conversation that went on behind the closed dinning room door, but eventually failing due to Crookshanks, Hermione's not so beloved at the moment cat. However it did not take long for Molly Weasley to appear from the room dusting her hands off on her dress, "Well we'll be eating in the kitchen." She said as calmly as she can muster. The heat from the argument still bubbling inside of her body, and the children knew it as well. But then a sudden pop sounded from next to her, to reveal a set of very tall twins that she called her own. Molly Weasley turned red, almost as red as her hair at the sight of her twin boys. "Just because you have to use magic now, does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She yelled as she scolded the two of them pushing them into the dining area. Everyone eventually settled into a seat at the table, The boy placed his hands in his pockets of his jacket, the tips of his fingers rubbed against the small medal object. Harry pulled it out curious of what it was, glancing down in his hands a small silver owl sat in his hands. A small smile appeared on his face. Edith.

Edith Ambermathy laid in her bed a few mornings after Harry Potter had left with the other wizards. Her hair a tangled mess, a yellow like dress flowed down her body. One shoe she wore fell from her left foot, as the one on the right stayed still. The girl turned over in frustration, wondering what the wizard boy could be doing a this moment. Edith had figured out by now that she had been spending so much time with the Potter boy that now that he's gone she had nothing else to do for the final few weeks of summer. As sad at that may sound, it was very true for the ginger haired girl. She missed Harry, and she was very sure that he also missed her. A feeling of disappointment in herself developed at the bottom of the girls stomach, she didn't need Harry Potter. She could do very well without him for the most part, although she missed him she did not need him. The girl got up  from her spot on her unmade bed. Running her fingers through her tangled hair, pulling them through harshly as she walked up towards her mirror. Edith Ambermathy looked at her reflection, her freckled face and summer warm skin. Her hair reached a little past her hips as she made an mental note to get a small trim.
The girl took in a long breath "You are a strong independent women, you don't need him to survive." She said said aloud "What are you even doing Edith?" She then continued to ask herself turning away from the mirror as she picked up her fallen show slipping it back on. Making her way towards her bedroom door. The girls hands wrapped around the door knob twisting it open as she made her way down the stairs towards the family living room. Expecting to see her mother on the sofa a newspaper in her hands like she did everyday. However, her eyes met with a man. His face old with wrinkles, glasses at the bridge of his nose. A wise twinkle like spark in his eyes. Her own pupils widened as she caught sight of the mans white beard that fell down the front of his body. He seemed to be dressed in an dark blue robe, hands folded In front of him. Karen Ambermathy stood next to the older man, her body stiff, her hair a mess as if she had been pulling at it.
"Edith," Her mother said softly, blinking slowly as her eyes stayed closed for a good few seconds taking in a longer breath. "I'd like you to meet someone."
Edith quietly made her way down the last of the stairs, walking towards her mother and the strange looking man.
"Albus Dumbledore," He said in a smooth voice, old and wise sounding all at once. The girls eyes widened her mind familiar with the sound of that name. Harry had talked about him many times, she had read his names in books. Never in a million years did Edith think she would be standing before him.
"I'm Edith," she said. Albus smiled the tops of lips curling up as he nodded.
"We have much to discuss Ms.Ambermathy," he said taking a seat on the chair behind him. As the two women did the same, The ginger haired girl tapped her finger against her leg in an uneven pattern, nervous for what was going to occur.
"I've gotten news of an Dementer attack just a few days ago." He said looking at the teenage girl, "You were reported along side Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley at the scene of the incident. Am I correct?" He asked her. The girl quickly nodded. "You saw such creatures am I correct, Ms. Ambermathy?" He asked. Edith knew he already knew the answer to this question but she guessed that he wanted to hear it from her himself. Edith nodded her finger tapping continuously on the skin of her knee. "They were black, hooded, they seemed to be floating on mid air. A cold feeling seemed to follow them where ever they went. Darkness." The girl said softly not wanting to remember the fear she felt that night. Creatures so dark, so terrifying. "But why?" She looked up towards the Professor, wondering why he would need her to describe an monster that she was sure he knew very well of already.
"Harry James Potter has reserved a trial at the Ministry of Magic. We need more proof, a witness." Dumbledore said his hands folded neatly on top of his lap. Edith raised her right eyebrow her hands on her hips as she tried to think of where the two adults seemed to be going with this. She wasn't a wizard, she'd never be able to go into the wizard world. No matter how much she wanted, Edith knew it would never happen. No matter how many jokes she made of Harry bringing her to see Hogwarts and the magic that came along with it. At least she thought that it would never happen.
"So you want me to be a witness?" Edith asked
The older male nodded his head in response.
"But I'm not a wizard," Edith stated recalling the list of rules that Harry had told her. The ministry that controlled the wizards of England. "I would not be sure of that, Ms.Ambermathy." Albus stated a light twinkle in his eyes as a small smirk appeared on the mans face. Edith's eyes widened her mouth dropped in shock, "Excuse me?" She said her fingers stopped tapping against her leg. As she quickly turned to look at her mother to see if she had something to say. But all Karen seemed to do was give her daughter a sad smile. The older Ambermathy women knew that she owed her daughter something in return for keeping such a secret away from her.  No matter how much it went against the ways that she believed, Edith needed this and she knew that very well.
"You're boy has a trial, and he needs a witness, love." Her mother stated softly. Edith could tell she was trying to fight the urge to just take everything she said back, send Dumbledore back to Hogwarts and forget that anything ever happened. For when such an amazing thing as magic comes along, so does danger. Karen Ambermathy was very much afraid that he daughter didn't understand the expenses of knowing such an secret. A secret of a world that could destroy someone all together.

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