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Tenerife Sea

 Harry Potter gripped onto Edith's hand once again as if it was a second nature

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Harry Potter gripped onto Edith's hand once again as if it was a second nature. She had held onto his first of course, the nervous boy would never make the first move. The pair walked down the sidewalks of Privet Drive for the third time that day as the sun was begging to be replaced by the moon.
"Will you miss me Harry?" Edith asked as she walked in front of him there hands still attached.
"What do you mean will I miss you?" He asked confused from the girls strange question. Alas the boy was oblivious of the ginger girls strange habits of friendship.
"Never mind," she said forgetting the question she asked. Edith wouldn't even miss the boy the next day, why bother with such a silly question.

Edith Ambermathy arrived back at her home at approximately 8:30pm that evening, after her long day with the boy wizard.

"How was your day honey, who did you choose today." The dark haired older female asked meeting her blue eyes with her daughters brown ones. As she chopped the last of the potatoes throwing them into the pot on the stove three feet away. Karen Ambermathy had known very well of her teenaged daughters habits, though she had tried no effort to stop her daughter from breaking hearts.

"This boy named Harry Potter," Edith spoke running over to the connected living room to hug the shoulders of her blonde haired father, as he watched the football game on the small television they owned. "Boy, you say" Klark spoke from his place on the couch turning to raise his eyebrow at his daughter.  Klark Ambermathy also knew very well of his daughters habits of stealing hearts, even though she her self had no knowledge of doing so. It would crush there poor daughters spirit if her parents were to tell her that her daily friends were being broken from her own hands it was as if Edith had the sort of charm on many people. It was very much the truth, Edith made peoples hearts swoon, she lit smiles in the dark, she made many fall in love with. But she hadn't have a clue at all.

"Oh please its not likes he's the first boy I've ever hung out with." the ginger said rolling her eyes as she pranced from one room to the other. Spinning in circles, as she moved around the kitchen table.

"If your going to be prancing all around this house you mine as well set the table," Karen spoke her hands holding a stack of white plates. She handed them to her daughter who quickly set the plates in front of the three chairs that sat at the table.

"Where does this Harry Potter live, may I ask." Edith's father hummed. Causing his daughter to roll her eyes once again and let out a small giggle.

"Right next door, and don't go trying to murder him." Edith said giggling once again as she took her seat at the table along with her mother.

"Why would I do that, just as long as he doesn't break your heart." Klark said loudly pulling out his own chair to sit down. Ediths mother and father very well knew that it was never going to be the boy that broke Edith's heart it was going to be Edith that broke his.

After dinner Edith headed up stairs to her bedroom, she pulled open her window shades as she looked out to only see the other house. The same house she had been looking at for longer than a year. She had never known who's room she was staring at until she had met Harry Potter, this was Harry's room. She could talk to him for as long as she wanted through the small square window if she really wanted to, she could watch him smile all night long. She could have as many conversations as she wanted to through this window. But that was not Edith Ambermathy, she met someone one day and she left them the day after if she didn't get a feeling to stay. Edith had only  gotten a feeling to stay once, and staying wasn't exactly a right choice to make. The ginger girl stripped her clothes off of her body leaving her in just her bra and underwear, she tied her hair up into a loose bun with an elastic band that she discovered on her dresser. Then she climbed into bed, forgetting the close her curtains of her windows.

Edith had thought that she would move on from Harry the next day, like she usually did. She would move onto the teenagers in the next neighborhood on the other side of the white picket fences she thought as she laid in bed late at night. Edith thought that she wouldn't miss Harry just like she didn't miss the others, She would go home after the day she spent with the raven haired boy and she would lay in her bed and close her eyes and everything would be fine. In the next morning she would get up and move on, like Edith had done everyday she had been out of america. But Edith didn't feel like moving on, her heart told her to stay in one place while her brain told her no. You move on to the next person like you do every single day. The teenaged girl craved normality, she wanted to be able to stay with one person and be with them forever. She wanted to feel the feelings that everyone else feels she wanted to be able to hold the same hand as she walked down the side walks of Privet drive.

Sadly Edith was the opposite of normal she was unable to do all of those things she was unable to stay with the same person for more than one day. Her thoughts wouldn't let her, she wouldn't let her. But one thing was Edith Ambermathy could not stop thinking of Harry Potter. The girl had met lost of boys, some way more attractive than the potter boy. She had kissed many boys more attractive than the potter boy, she had slept with boys more attractive than the potter boy. But she had had no feeling to stay with them. She had no feeling to kiss there lips a second time on a different day. She had no need to be able to lay in bed with them a second time. But may of those boys wanted Edith a second time, many of those boys wanted to talk to the girl for a second time. The Ambermathy girl turned them down, she hadn't gotten the feeling to stay.

Edith wanted to talk to Harry again, she wanted to hold the boys hand again she wanted to look into his eyes again. All these had been unexplored feelings the girl kept locked far away in the depths of her heart. Once explored and never again, some she didn't even remember she had. With that Edith closed her eyes, agreeing with herself that she would want to see the potter boy she missed so much the next day.

Authors note:
Okay hi guys if you a little confused Im gonna explain it here. So what Edith basically does is she goes through people. She finds one person and becomes "friends" with them for a day and she gets to know them and there secrets and stuff. Which usually causes that so person to fall for her or have feelings for her because let's be honest Edith is beautiful there obviously gonna love her. But Edith doesn't stay and talk with them the next day she completely drops them and forgets about them which hurts people's feelings. She only stays if she has this feeling, which you will learn about in later chapters. So yeah Edith is kinda whack in the head for being like this but she's kinda crazy like all of us.
So thank you so much for reading!

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