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Tenerife Sea

Edith Ambermathy made everyone's heart flutter

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Edith Ambermathy made everyone's heart flutter. For the way she blinked and her light brown lashes curled against her pale skin. The way her freckles seemed to create random patterns in the beautiful canvas that was her own skin. Harry Potter was no different from everyone else. Edith had trapped his heart, and he didn't want to leave her grip.

The boy wizard laid in his bed, his dark hair sprawled up against the white pillow sheet as he stared at the ceiling of his small room.He had spent that day talking with Edith, she laid her head on his shoulder as if it was the easiest thing shed ever done in her life. For Harry it was the hardest, the boy tried so hard to keep his breathing settled. For he was far to happy that she would be this close to him. Harry knew very well that Cho Chang would never be this confident, Ginny would never even think of touching him. But Edith did, she looked up at him and smiled her white teeth shown through the tiny spot between her two lips. She laughed at what ever he said even if he wasn't trying to be funny. But Edith thought it was funny so he laughed along with her. Her ginger haired would cover his face, as he breathed in the scent of honey and strawberries when she sat up from beside him. Oops she would hum as she cleared the thick mane of hers from his face. But all of that had come to a end sooner or later, leaving Harry Potter alone laying wide awake in his small twin sized bed. A smile danced across his clear face, glasses set aside on the table next to him for the day later.

Dudley Dursley had never wanted to tell the truth about anything, the young chubby boy had a knack for lying especially if it came to his foul cousin Harry Potter. He had never wanted to tell the truth if it came to him, ever since the two boys were little. He would blame the broken glass and picture frames on the skinnier boy with the unusually messy black hair. With that his parents would take it, maybe it was the reason that they themselves didn't particularly like the Potter boy Or was it the reason that whatever words that Dudley spoke out of his mouth was the truth, which is what many supposed. Since the boy was much of a suck up. But this time Dudley wanted Harry to know the cold hard truth, of the mysterious beautiful creature that was Edith Ambermathy. What everyone thought of her and who this girl that broke everyones hearts was. The chubby boy that had grown many inches taller than Harry in the past years knocked quietly on the wizards bed room door. That had he previously called his when he was younger and foolish.

"Hey Potter," Dudley said when the boy wizard answered the door. Confusion danced across Harry's face. Dudley never talked to him, unless it was absolutely necessary. The boy had never chosen to talk to the boy in his whole entire life until now. Unless it was about Edith, Harry had seen him try to flirt with the beautiful ginger haired girl which always turned out unsuccessful. He was probably here to tell him to stay away from her or he would pummel him seven feet under the ground. Which Harry would ignore and continue seeing the girl anyways. Edith was too special to let go that easily, even if it meant that he would be beat by his older cousin and his gang of baffling baboons.

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