Chapter 22 - Wicked Games

Start from the beginning


Alexia met with Snape once again that day in the afternoon for Potions with the Gryffindors and other Slytherin students. They were concoting their own Invigoration draught; a potion which boosted the drinker's energy, which like usual, Alexia found reasonably easy.
"How was your careers advice interview?" Alexia asked Daphne, as the two stirred their bubbling potions with their wands.
"Good," Daphne said, "Although apparently law and journalism in the magical community is competitive; a lot of wizards and witches want to do it."
"You'll be fine, Daph! You're great at writing and speaking, it's your natural talent!" Alexia assured her positively.
Daphne shrugged. "How was yours? What does Professor Snape say about becoming a Potioneer?" She asked.
"He thinks I would be an exceptional Potioneer, and he said he's willing to do as much as he can to make sure I achieve my goal." Alexia grinned.
Daphne looked impressed, "Looks like someone is Snape's favourite student!"
"Well of course I am!" Alexia said, pouring her finished potion into a phial.
Daphne laughed, then poured her finished Invigoration Draught into a phial also, but after looking over at Alexia's perfect shimmery-emerald potion, she decided to hold her phial of moss-green hidden behind her cauldron.

Draco, who was on the other side of the bench, was also finishing up, giving his potion one last stir before pouring it into his phial. His potion was very similar to Alexia's, perhaps slightly less shimmery. He had been wondering all lesson where he stood with Alexia. She had forgiven him, but not really. She had said it more to get rid of him, she didn't really mean it. And what was going on with her and Sullivan Fawley? She should've known better than to go walking in public with one of the people her mother disapproved of. Fawley was an absolute git anyway, why the hell was she with him in the first place? She knew better than to fall for his charming and seductive games! But then, why did this bother Draco? Why was he thinking into things so much? He had spent most of the previous night lying in bed, repeatedly telling himself over and over that he did not have any feelings for Alexia. Feelings were for weak people, not people like himself who were powerful, strong and cunning.
Draco was so caught up with his thoughts, he almost didn't hear his name called by Professor Snape, who was calling up each student to deliver their Invigoration Draught at his desk.
"Very good, Draco," Snape said, taking the phial of Invigoration Draught and having a brief closer look before placing it behind him in the rack which held each of the phials that were to be tested and assessed by him later on.

Draco walked back to his bench, cleared out his cauldron, put away his left-over ingredients, and packed his books into his bag. He waited patiently as one by one the remaining Slytherins took their own phials of Invigoration Draught to Snape. Goyle, who could barely pour his thick, gooey potion into a phial, received no comment at all from Snape, whereas Alexia got told her potion was perfect.
Next were the Gryffindors, who all seemed to receive some sort of criticism from Snape. Even Snape managed to find something negative to say about Granger's potion. She had looked very pleased with it on the way to his desk, but on the way back, her small smile had melted away into an angry pout.

"Potter, bring me your finished Invigoration Draught," Snape said finally.
All the Slytherins seemed to look up eagerly; they loved watching Snape taunt Harry Potter.
Potter, who surprisingly held a good-looking phial of potion, made his way to Snape's desk. He handed Snape his potion and had just turned away when a smashing noise filled the dungeon. Snape had dropped Potter's phial on the ground and it had broken in pieces on the floor. Draco gave a gleeful yell of laughter, along with many of the other Slytherins.
"Whoops," Snape said softly, "Another zero, then, Potter."
Potter was too enraged to answer. He walked back to his cauldron to fill another phial, but to his horror, Granger had vanished his remaining Invigoration Draught. She stood in terror with her hands over her mouth, and Potter looked so angry, he couldn't even speak.
As soon as the bell rang, he rushed off, leaving the laughing Slytherins and shocked Gryffindors without a backward glance.

Once Snape had dismissed the class, Alexia left the Potions Dungeon and headed out into the busy Dungeon hallways. People were coming from all directions - Slytherins moving to the Slytherin Dungeons, other students fleeing from the Dungeon classrooms up to the Entrance hall.
Just like Alexia had hoped, she had lost Daphne in the chaotic crowd. Alexia zipped through the crowd, finally ending up in front of the portrait of Elizabeth Burke.
"Slytherins are supreme," she murmured, then ducked into the dark passageway when the painting flipped open.
As soon as it shut, it left her in pitch-black darkness. Suddenly, the force of two hands pushed her against the cold stone walls and she felt a hot breath on her neck. Alexia smirked in delight. Thankfully, no one could see. "Sullivan," she breathed as he kissed her neck, "I've missed you."
The two continued making out in the darkness; Alexia agressively pulling Sullivan closer as he loosened her green and silver tie and unbottoned the first few buttons of her white school shirt. Sullivan then put his hand on Alexia's thigh, slowly pulling her short skirt higher and higher up her leg. A breathless gasp of contentment escaped Alexia's lips causing Sullivan to grin to himself. He knew too well how to please her.

He began kissing her beautiful and delicate collarbones as she curled her fingers through his hair, sighing in pleasure.
Alexia opened her eyes just slightly and noticed a soft light coming from the other end of the passageway. Footsteps and voices of around seven people filled the passage.
"Sullivan, someone's coming!" Alexia gasped but either he didn't hear her or didn't want to hear her. She tried to push him away but he was too strong and the pleasure he was bringing her was making her weak. She tried to make up an excuse in her head to whoever it was. What if it was already suspicious Daphne? Or worse, Eva? But the voices which came closer as they neared the corner, eliminated both those two possibilities as they sounded masculine. They were voices of seven boys. The voices of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Sullivan finally stopped and looked up at the boys who had turned the corner. The light from their wands shone directly at Alexia and Sullivan. Draco, who was at the back of the group, laughing with Crabbe and Goyle abruptly stopped as he turned the corner also.
"Well, what's the wait?" he demanded unable to see Alexia or Sullivan.
The boys at the front shrugged, wondering why they had actually stopped in the first place. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary to see people making out in the secret passageways at Hogwarts. They continued walking, one or two of them patting Sullivan on the back as if he had done well to score a girl like Alexia (which Alexia thought was true).
As Draco began walking, Alexia felt herself tense. She didn't want him to see her looking bothered so quickly she put her hand to Sullivan's face and kissed him. Sullivan responded immediately and eagerly to the kiss, giving her all he had.
Draco seemed slightly stunned at first, but then he sniggered, "Watch out Alexia, don't want this to become your snogging grounds!" he said, repeating what she had once said to him when she first showed him the passageway.
Alexia pulled away and scowled at him as he swaggered off with Crabbe and Goyle who pointlessly began laughing.

Once they had gone, Alexia turned to Sullivan who had lit his wand and was chuckling to himself. "What are you laughing about?" Alexia asked.
"You," Sullivan said.
Alexia rolled her eyes.
"You're cute," he said.
"Do not call me cute, Fawley!" Alexia warned.
"Sorry Burke," Sullivan replied with a cheeky grin. He moved closer to Alexia and slowly brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. In all honesty, Sullivan thought for someone who was always very careful and precise with their appearance, Alexia looked like she had been trampled on by a giant. Though, it was his own fault she looked that way; he liked to play rough. Her hair was a mess, her shirt was crumpled, and a small and faint bruise was forming on the left side of her neck. He touched the bruise with his hand, then planted a soft kiss on it. Once he had, he looked up into her beautiful brown eyes.
"What game are you playing?" Alexia asked, staring back at him, trying to read into him.
"Why? Do you want to play with me?" He said.
"I don't know. How can I play if I don't know the rules?" she asked.
"There are no rules Alexia, don't you remember? No rules." he told her.
Alexia smiled, then got up onto her tippy-toes and whispered in Sullivan's ear, "I'll play, but watch out, I like to play rough."
Sullivan flashed his sexy grin, "Somehow I think I play rougher." he said.
Alexia kissed him passionately on the lips, "Good," she breathed, as she eventually broke away.
"When will I see you next?" Sullivan asked.
"Very soon," Alexia replied. She brushed her hand against his, then made to leave.

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