Chapter One

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A pic of Kanz

Maya watched in tears, her childhood best friend Kanz as she folded her last piece of clothes in her fourth luggage.

She knew her friend has always wanted to travel but seeing her closet along with her drawers wide open with nothing inside, made everything feel more real.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She questioned, even though she already knew the answer.

Kanz let out a dry small laugh, she made sure not to look at Maya's face or she would cry so she looked around the room, making sure she didn't forget any of her belongings.

She has lived in a small apartment for the past two years, it had a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.

It's not like she wasn't rich, she was quite the opposite. Kanz came from a wealthy family but something happened and her family almost disowned her, she used the money she had to rent this house and had taken three jobs in order to save up money so she could get out of Syria as soon as possible.

"You, of all people, should know how much I struggled to reach this point_" She paused as her eyes caught the familiar redhead ragged doll and her lips went up in a small sad smile as she grabbed it, "Remember this? Karam bought it for me on my 8th birthday_" she stopped talking again and a single tear dropped and ran down her face, "When he used to love me and still considered me as his little sister" She whispered the last part to herself. Nevertheless, Maya heard her and frowned.

"He still loves you"

At that statement, her sobs became audible. "That's why he hasn't called his sister for the past two years"

"I'm sure he_"

"Don't make excuses for him, my own mother wouldn't have known I was going to Dubai if you hadn't called and told her and even then she didn't call to ask if I was fine or not" She was crying fully now, big fat tears running like streams down her face while Maya hugged her tightly.

After a few minutes, Kanz wipped her tears and sniffed, "I don't know why I bother crying every time we talk about them, I just need to accept the fact that I don't have a family anymore"

"Shut up, don't ever forget that my family is yours and you know that very well" As Maya finished saying that, her cellphone rang and she rolled her eyes when she saw who was calling. She answered it quickly and put it immediately on speaker

"Kaaaaaanz" Maya's brother, Hasan's voice filled up the tiny room and Kanz smiled.

"Hasaaaaaan" She mimicked him

"I can't believe I won't be there to say goodbye to you"

"Obviously because you're out of country, idiot" Kanz replied, her lips stretching in a wide smile

"Yeah whatever, I won't miss you anyways. Just call us when you land"

"Any other orders Sir?"

"Yes... GO BEFORE YOU'RE LATE TO YOUR PLANE" He shouted and she cringed but before she can say anything, he hang up.

She sighed, she was sure she was going to miss them...

Then she looked at Maya who was trying to close the last bag and stopped her. She took out the all too familiar small box and stared at it for a few seconds before opening it then she took the silver necklace and traced it carefully between her fingers.

 She took out the all too familiar small box and stared at it for a few seconds before opening it then she took the silver necklace and traced it carefully between her fingers

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Putting it on, she turned to face Maya who was looking at her with sympathy.

"You still have it?"

"It's the only reminder of him that I have"

Maya nodded then they walked out of the apartment, managing to carry all the luggage by themselves, she gave the keys to the landlord then went out of the building.

Before Maya could start the car, she got a message. She read it and laughed loudly

"What?" Kanz asked her and Maya read the message for her.

"I'm at church but I managed to type this, tell Kanz to call us the minute she lands 💋💋💋💋"

It was from Maria, Hasan's and Maya's mom and she was like a mother for her too.

Kanz stared out of the window, looking at the familiar buildings and streets sadly. She loved living in Syria even with the crisis it was going through and if she wasn't forced to go she wouldn't have thought about leaving it ever.


"They're calling for your flight" Maya whispered as she hugged her tightly, "Don't forget me"

"I'd forget anyone but you idiot, you're not just my best friend, you're my sister and my other half"

"I know" Maya giggled then said, "Ok enough tears, it's not like you're gonna disappear... We'll talk everyday right?"

"Of course" Kanz nodded eagerly with a smile in her face

"You're allowed to meet new friends but I'll always remain your best friend" And Kanz nodded again then lifted up her pinky and said "Pinky promise" They tangled their pinkies and hugged for the last time then Kanz started walking away.

As she was about to disappear in the crowd, she turned around and yelled, "I love you!"

"I love you more!" Maya shouted back

Kanz spent the next three hours thinking about her life.

She graduated from Damascus University with a journalism degree.

Then she took English courses and had a degree from the best institution in Syria.

One incident happened and her life turned upside down.

Her family abandoned her. She left the house. Started working in every job she could so she can save money, she couldn't bear how people, who were considered as her family, neighbours and friends, were talking about her. Their gazes, whispers and voices haunted her in her sleep.

Then she got a job in a newspaper company in Dubai, her work was always online and the salary was more than perfect.

When her savings account showed that she could afford going to Dubai and renting an apartment there, she started getting ready immediately.

Hasan helped her with the issue of the apartment because he was a businessman and he knew a lot of agencies there.

After finding an apartment, she got the plane ticket and now she was on her way of having a new start or she hoped so.

Kanz snapped out of her daydreaming and looked around to find the passengers making their way down the plane...

The journey was over while Kanz was thinking about her life.

Once she stepped out of the airport, she looked in amazement at the tall new buildings around her.

She took a deep breath then started looking for a taxi...

Here we go....

So first chapter is out, what are your thoughts? Liked it or not?

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Love you all❤

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