Rooming With Royals [5]

Start from the beginning

"We bought you fashionable clothes for you to wear this?" He pointed to my hoody. I looked at it frowning then met Remus's gaze. "Uh, yeah." I was looking at Bryson as I said that. Remus was about to say something but was cut off by Bryson.

"Come to think of it, she looks good." He mused while nodding. Remus looked at him disbelievingly but Bryson shrugged. "What?" Wow, I never thought that was coming. Bryson crying out like a girl. His voice sounded a bit squeaky. Remus rolled his eyes and sat down on the sofa.

Looking at the clock, I noticed it was eight. "When will we have to be in our classes?" I asked Giovanni who was looking at me with awe. "We have to be there after thirty minutes." He replied and I nodded.

Giovanni wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started walking to the door. I heard footsteps following so I didn't need to turn around to see that it was the guys. We crossed hallways and as before, school blondes. Each girl was wearing a tighter skirt than the other.

I came closer to Giovanni, making him wrap an arm around my waist. I enjoyed the glares that the blondes were giving me. One was glaring, one was giving me a look of envy, and the other was clutching her bag really tight from jealousy. It was fun.

"What's your locker number?" I looked at Giovanni and noticed that his lips were close. I looked away feeling a blush creep to my cheeks and answered. "102 section R." I heard him hum and that was it. No one talked for a few minutes until Bryson decided to break the ice.

"Show me your schedule V." I took my schedule from my pocket and unfolded it as I gave it to Bryson. "Here" Remus and Bryson scanned my schedule then smile. "You have first period with me. You have second period with Remus, third with Giovanni and sixth with Eros. Lunch is the fourth but sadly, you don't have the fifth with any of us." He gave me my schedule with a smile.

I was still shocked and dreading the last period, mainly because I hate math and I have it with Eros. The next twenty minutes was filled with embarrassing stories told by Remus and Bryson. The two always seemed to make jokes out of everything.

"Come on V!" Bryson took my head and started running. Giovanni was screaming from behind but Bryson laughed it off. It was difficult to catch up to him. He was really fast, extraordinary fast.

Bryson stopped in front of an open door. Everything seemed to stop. The students didn't walk, allowing Bryson and I to go into class. I looked at Bryson with an expression that said 'what was that all about?' However, he shrugged and walked into class as if nothing happened.

I was about to go to the back and sit there but Bryson's firm grip on my hand prevented me from doing so. Next thing I knew, he was pulling me to sit next to him. I scowled when I saw that we were in the front row. Looking at Bryson with a glare on my face, I sighed and crossed my arms leaning back. Soon, students startedfilling the seats and the teacher came in.

"Hello class." She greeted and I heard a series of "hello's" back. Mrs. Wilson was about to start a lesson but stopped when she laid eyes on me. Please don't make me introduce myself, please don't make me introduce myself. Mrs. Wilson smiled warmly and said, "Oh, you must be the new student, Violet White." I nodded and smiled back. She turned to the class with an excited smile on her face.

"Violet is the principal's niece and she's new to this school so make her feel welcome." She finished and smiled at me once again before starting with the lesson. I think I actually like this teacher. She seems bubbly and friendly. I was about to zone out since it's English literature, but what Mrs. Wilson said caught my attention.

"So today, we're going to start with a new lesson. Witches. Witches are part of the supernatural chain. As we all know, there are five supernatural beings. Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Angels and Witches. Witches play an important role in the supernatural chain because they control elements. We all know what the elements are, water, fire, air and earth. The maximum amount of elements that witches can have is two. Most witches get water and wind as elements or earth with another element but it is very rare that a witch can control fire.

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