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Review for 'Crimson' by allycatdaone15

1. Cover: The cover is really nice. Its of a nice quality and suits the story. I give you a 10/10 for this.

2. Blurb: The blurb is perfect. Informative and mysterious. It makes the people want to read your book which is awesome. I don't think there is anything to add to it but a small quote at the beginning would make it better. I give you a 10/10 for this.

3. Start: The start was really great but I have a problem. Your chapters are way too long like really very long. It kinda makes the readers tired and bored. I suggest you divide your chapters into two parts and that would make it a lot better. Your paragraphs are of perfect length and non clustered. Make the chapters short. I give you a 6/10 for this.

4. Grammar: I did not find many grammar mistakes just your punctuation marks were missing in a few places. You forgot to put a '.' or '!' in some places. I give you a 8/10 for this.

5. Uniqueness: I quite love the plot. Never read such a story line before, the plot is unique and capturing. I give you a 10/10 for the plot.

Overall score:44/50

Just shorten the length of your chapters and the story is highly recommend •


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