Ch. 7 Dumbledore's Deception

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Sorry Guys for the long time in between updates but I have had so much happening go I hope going on you can forgive me and I will try my best to not let it happen I hope you enjoy this Chapter and I don't own these characters except Sapphira and Thanks to futurstar81 here is ch. 7


Chapter 7: Dumbledore's Deception

His world spun Lily was alive....and Dumbledore deceived him knowing all along that she was fine, letting him feel so much pain when he didn't have to. Though she didn't remember anything that happened... he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing maybe he could just start off clean. No, he needed to tell her the truth. Lily always valued honesty so he would tell her. He had made up his mind. It seemed that Dumbledore on the other hand had another idea. He paced a bit as Dumbledore told Lily about her life. Snape wondered about how he should go about telling her. The sound of Lily's soft sobs distracted him from his racing mind. Of course Lily would cry for Potter. He sighed she just found out she had lived a life she didn't even remember it must be a crazy shock, he went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him those beautiful emerald orbs glistening with sadness. His heart broke for her but he couldn't help that happy feeling that spread through his being when he looked at her. She was alive, and although he hated that she was hurting, he was glad she was here.

"I married James Potter and and he is dead?" this was crazy. Dumbledore watched her then nodded slowly. Lily didn't understand and suddenly she was overcome with intense sadness. Before she knew it she was crying. She couldn't help it this man loved her and she couldn't remember any of it only that rude boy from school, she was terrible. She felt Severus grip her shoulder and felt a bit stronger. At least she still had Severus, he wasn't leaving her. She calmed down a bit and Dumbledore got up to leave and told Severus to follow him, he looked to Lily but she told him to go. After he left Lily sat looking out the window to the lake and noticed the same girl from before. She was a beautiful girl and made Lily smile as she watched her absorbed in the book. Madame Pomfrey came and sat next to her telling her a bit about the time of year and weather just small talk, until Lily said softly " who is she?" she gestured to the girl in her spot. Madame Pomfrey looked out and then looked to her "That is young Sapphira Hagrid, she is a sweet smart girl she actually is due to start school in a few days. You however should rest Lily, I'm sure Severus will be back in a bit" she sighed and looked at the girl once more before moving to the bed and sitting down "I suppose you're right." She curled in bed and slowly drifted to sleep with dreams of two young children one who reminded her of the young girl, Sapphira.


The Headmaster was silent the whole walk back to his office and when they got inside he offered his usual lemon drop and Severus of course denied the candy he knew was laced with calming draught and refused the seat as well. Dumbledore however ate a piece and lounged in his chair,silent for a while as Severus stared at him until he finally spoke "Severus I know this is a sho-". Severus interrupted "A shock, A SHOCK!!! Lily Evans is alive and you knew. You led me to believe she DIED!" He paced back and forth and Dumbledore said "Severus I know you are upset but I need you to listen to me." This infuriated Severus to noend "Why should I listen to you all you have done is lie to me." Dumbledore was silent until Severus finished his rant and then spoke "I couldn't tell you because I didn't want to get your hopes up, and when Voldemort comes back if they knew that she was alive they would go after her and you wouldn't want that." Severus stayed silent not wanting to agree with Albus but seeing the merit in what he said. "I wish I could have told you my boy but it is for her safety, Harry's and yours that no one knows. I know this is a difficult thing to ask but Severus you must not tell her the truth about yourself or about Harry. She cannot know, do you understand?" Severus froze his own plan blowing up in his face. He couldn't lie to her again. "I have to tell her, I cannot lie to her again. I don't want to lose her again Albus I can't." Albus smiled folding his hands in front of him "Severus If you want to keep her safe you will do this there is no other way." Severus was torn he needed to stop being selfish and put her first he wasn't going to put her in danger again. He hesitated but told him "Fine I won't say anything but if she regains her memory I will tell her it was your grand plan."Dumbledore smiled and said "I understand, just remember although it all seems dark right now there is light at the end of the tunnel Severus." Severus shook his head and spun on his heel leaving the room his mind racing and thinking of the craziness of the situation. He was walking fast when a blur of red ran straight into him causing her to fall back onto her bum. Severus scowled as he noticed it was the Hagrid girl. What was she doing running through the halls? He sighed but helped her pick up her books. The girl murmured "I am so sorry professor, I was just at the library. Iran out of textbooks and I want to be ready for school in a few days." Severus realized that she had a ton of books on all subjects but she barely any on potions. "Is potions not good enough to be studying Ms. Hagrid?" The girl avoided his gaze "I have thousands of potions books at home I was going to re-read a few before then Professor Snape."She looked up at him finally, her Onyx eyes meeting his own. He froze as he noticed she had his eyes no he must be exhausted and seeing things, there was no way she was his child. He quickly gave her the charms book and walked away.
She had finally ran into Professor Snape. She met him, for once the elusive professor seemed ok. He didn't seem as bad as she had once overheard some children say, he did seem to scowl a lot but she didn't mind. He helped her pick up her books,so in her eyes he was a gentleman of sorts but the crazy thing was his eyes. They were intense and they looked like hers,she had never met anyone with her eyes. It was the eyes that made her curious enough to run back to the library to learn all she could about her new Professor. 
Alright please give me some feedback I would enjoy it and it's nice to know what you think 
-LoveBelikov <3

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