Small Golden Coin

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Owen's POV

This isn't what I wanted, not even close. My life is worth more and so is Eleanor's. Knowing both of our lives will be wasted to protect people that I could care less about, the people that pushed us aside while they bathed in riches. I mean it's not like anyone other than my sister, mother, or Eleanor have ever even thought of someone like me. I'd have killed myself by now if it were not for Eleanor being here.



A loud noise took me back to the reality I dreaded. I'm not sure what it is but I tense remembering Eleanor was here. What if she got hurt? What if it was one of those royals? I'll kill them if they hurt her.

My feet move quickly out the door, rushing to see if Eleanor was hurt. When suddenly I stop, a laugh stifling from my mouth at the scene before me. There stood Eleanor, a sour look on her faced, towering over the all mighty Rin, who is on the floor. "-Look here, now that we are in this house, I don't care about your position as future king. We are all on equal turf here, we all have this bloodline thing, all selected to protect the people and the kingdom with our lives, which we have already been told we probably won't make it out with that same life. So I'm not going to waste my last bits of life pampering you, because you are more likely to die than become king. So would you please stop acting higher than the rest of us?" She finishes her lecture with a small scowl on her features. She then turns on her heels smirking at something, or more likely someone, behind me. I turn my head to see Alex standing there a mix of shock and anger on his face but it quickly turns to a mock scowl as he walks towards his brother, brushing shoulders with me, quickly mumbling his apologies.

"Brother! You have to remember, they are lower class peasants. Try not to upset them or else something might happen to them." He says in a cheery tone but his words seem to have a darker meaning. I don't like that guy.

"Brother it was merely my sharp tongue doing me no good, again." Rin says standing up, ignoring his twin's outstretched arm. He must have noticed me staring because he looks over a seemingly forced smile sat on his lips. "Oh Owen is it? Seem-" He was about to say something but Alex quickly interrupts.

"Sorry to cut your conversion with my dearly beloved brother short, but I have gotten word from our mother, Queen Alyssa." He spoke putting more into the word Queen than what was needed. He turns to walk away with Rin following behind, a genuine smile played on Rin's lips.


After reaching Eleanor and I's room I see her sitting at the light wooded desk on the far end of the room, looks like she is writing something. I quietly make my way up behind her grinning wickedly.

Once I am close enough I grab her shoulders shaking them, at the same time saying her loudly. She immediately jumps, but doesn't shout or yelp. I immediately start to laugh at her reaction. After her shock quickly wears off she turns around not looking very happy.

Before I have the chance to make a run for it she quickly grabs a fist full of my shirt and pulls it closer to her, making sure my attention was on her. "Owen." Eleanor said her voice a little lower than before. "I'll get you back for that." She speaks then turns right back around getting back to whatever it was she was doing before.

I smile seeing she is still the same person, thought her posture is different, and she looks exhausted.
This is too much for her, maybe I can convince her to run, I'd go with her of course. Then we wouldn't have to put up with any of this. We can go back to the town. Maybe on the way back there would be a doctor, or something that could help Eleanor and I find the medicine for my sister. No one can make us stay here, Right?

That's it then, I'll come up with a plan to escape this dreaded future we have now, I'll make sure that witch doesn't notice long enough for us to escape, I'll find a book or a map that will lead us to a village, there has to be a library or something in this house, and we might even be able to get away with something with value, it would help us, Eleanor and I, as well as our families. Once I've got every little detail worked out, I'll ask Eleanor about what she thinks, I'll convince her to go, to leave. She doesn't have to die here, she will get to live, that witch can find some others to replace us. We don't have to live like this.


The small golden coin tumbles along my fingers in a skillful manner, it had once been another mans coin but I had decided a man of his stature hadn't needed the single coin, he probably has never noticed it was missing. My gaze is fixed on the coin as it moves across my hand, my fingers moving the coin in a way that left most is awe. I had acquired this skill that few could do over the years, it is not just a party trick but is useful for keeping small objects hidden, anything from a coin to a small blade.

I've always been a skillful thief, I had to be if I wanted to survive. I'm not proud, but it comes in handy on many occasions. And I'm sure if I have any chance of surviving this, it will be a useful thing to have up my sleeve.

With these thoughts I let myself slip into a light slumber, placing the coin in my pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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