Breath Taking

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Alice's POV

The Ruler's brief warning of the days ahead never left my mind as I stand in front of the steps that lead their way into the mansion that would house all of us. An expression of shock, fear, and sadness rested on my features. My movements had come to an utter halt as if I were paralyzed by the words that the Ruler had so easily let pour out of his mouth. The Ruler was long gone by now, the sound of the carriage's wooden wheels turning swiftly still fresh in my mind, the rocks and small bits of gravel flying from beneath them slightly ringing in the background.
Part of me wants to be strong. I want to be the big, bad girl my father made me out to be. I want to make him proud, but the truth is, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of what they will make us do, who they will make us fight and what we'll have to give up. Of course I have Eleanor and Owen at my side, which makes me feel better, but they don't truly know me all that well. The sad reality is, I was alone in this.
I can see Eleanor talking with Owen out of the corner of my eye, her features always seem to soften from  her usually cold demeanor whenever she talks with him. From what I've gathered in the short amount of time being near her, they were friends back at the village. I've also gathered that the demeanor is just looks.
I hope that possibly one day I can be as close to another person. That I too will have someone to confide in and trust.
I took a deep breath, getting ready to grab the attention of the others, and exhaled. "Are we going to sit here till the moon itself rises or are we actually going to go in?" I question in a slightly playful voice. Everyone looks at me for a split second then slowly creeps their way to the steps, muttering things to one another I can't make out. The steps creak with every other step, the first scaring me slightly and making me jump slightly and slip. Luckily Alex was behind me so he saw and was there to catch me, his arms wrapped around me as he goes to set me back on my feet.

"Careful now, don't want the pretty lady getting hurt, now do we?" He says with a cheerful smile plastered on his face, his voice excited and mocking a childish tone. Though something seems off, I tell myself not to worry about it. He continues to make his way up the steps each step light so it doesn't creak as much. Leaving me with a tint of pink dusted across my cheeks.
I shake my head lightly remembering how dangerous this was, not some lovely vacation, and make my way up the steps as well. Rin reaches for the big front door but it seems to be locked. Adelaide comes up behind me with a big key in her hand. The key looks like it's brass and is bigger than a normal key, but it's suiting for the house. The key gave a small struggle to turn but slowly started twisting letting the lock give a faint 'click' informing each of us that the lock was now opened. The large wooden door then slowly glided open with a slight creak.

As we head in, we are met with a large painted white room. The ceiling is made out of glass and is sadly completely enveloped in greenery- most likely grown over time. To my left I can see a hallway as I can my right. In the middle showcases a large marble staircase which is also white. Am I noticing a theme?
The silence is soon broken by a stern voice. "Aren't we lazy today? Come on, get a move on!" I turn around to see the witch, Adelaide, standing in the doorway. Realizing we had been standing in her way the whole time admiring, I quickly scurry up the stairs to investigate more of this fascinating mansion, as did the others soon after.
Each room has a different tone. I like that, it's like how each of us is different, in more ways than one. The room I have chose has light lavender walls and a dark mahogany theme. It's sidewall had a portrait, most likely from the last owner. It's decor screams antique and I loved it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for history.
I look behind me and see Eleanor in the hall staring at me with a large smile. "Enjoying yourself?" she questions, her infectious smile taking over me. "Oh Eleanor, words cannot explain!" I squeal out of pure happiness and mild shock at all the beauty. "It's all just so breathtaking! I've never imagined luxury to this extent in an old mansion!" She giggles shaking her head and walking in. Her eyes scan the room, taking in the beauty just as I have . She sits on the bed, "I took the room across from yours. I'm rooming with Owen." I raise and eyebrow and look at her, questioning that she would be rooming with a boy. "Just in case you need me." she says in a warm and defensive tone. I smile not wanting to push her and sit down next to her. I am quite excited at the fact she is being so friendly, it makes me feel like I'm not so out of place, so lonely.

Never had I been given so much luxury and I sat here wondering how I got so lucky. It was times like these that I continue to remind myself that this isn't something I should be happy about. Though, right now I was happy, and I could not change nor deny it. Was it so wrong a girl like me could be enjoying the calm before the storm? "Eleanor," I say quietly pausing a short moment, "I think we're in for one wild ride."

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