1. where it all began

Start from the beginning

 "Yeah Mavis."

"What's the boy's name."

"Hurry up already Master Mavis."

Many Comments got shot at Mavis from all angles asking her what the boy's name was. Y/N put her hand on her shoulder and gave her a kind smile, reassuring her that it was all going to be fine. The pair both looked over at Yuri who was mouthing the word 'Darth Vader' at the two. He only got a whack on the head from Precht and Warrod. Mavis took in a big breath and stood up straight letting everyone know she had made her decision.

"His name will be Makarov. It's the name of a kind king in a book I read long ago." She said proudly.


"What a great name." The Guild erupted into cheers and shouts of joy for the newest member of the Fairy Tail guild.

"A wonderful name." Rita said.

"I liked Pippoko better." Precht mumbled.

 Rita and Mavis held hand and looked at each other in kindness. Suddenly, Rita's eyes shut and she fell back on her pillow.




 Mavis' eyes widened and she started to shake and step back. Then she ran out of the Guild. "Mavis!!" Y/N shouted and ran after her.

"MAVIS WERE ARE YOU GOING?!" She yelled while she tried to catch up with her.

"PLEASE STAY BACK I DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU TOO!" she cried out with tears streaming down her face.

 She collapsed to the ground clutching her head, screaming as her tears stained the ground that was cracking underneath her. Y/N walked towards her slowly placed her hand on her shoulder. "Mavis calm down, you did not kill Rita." She said gently, not knowing what was wrong with her friend. She let out a scream and a big ball of black dense energy shot out from her. Y/N was thrown back and hit a nearby tree. She started to feel dizzy and began to lose consciousness. She saw all the leaves and trees die and fade away as her E/C eyes started to close.

"Y/N!!!!!" She heardMavis scream before her eyes closed. For good.

 Y/N woke up feeling something warm wrap around her weak body. Her eyes opened slowly only to close them tight due to the bright light of the sun, shining on her face. After having her eyes closed for about a minute she managed to open them. Y/N slowly lifted herself up off the ground with her hands and got to her feet. She spun around in a 360 and took in her new surroundings. It was a cave. There was a blanket and pillow on the floor from where she had been sleeping. There was also a wooden desk with dust covered on it, it had a pen and some paper on it. Also, there was a spell book on the desk that had a wired simple on it. Right next to the desk was a small bookshelf crammed with different types of magic and spell books.

On the floor was a candle that was dimly lighting the cave. She looked up to see a small hole in the ceiling of the cave where the sun's rays woke me from my sleep. Suddenly, all the memory of the past event hit her. Hard. Mavis, Rita, the baby the Guild. It all came back.

"You're finally awake, I was beginning to think that my magic didn't work." a voice said from behind her. She turned her head round to see a man around her age with black hair. He had pale skin and was wearing some type of robe thing.

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