Do You Have A Chance?

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So now you know everything you need to do to get a girl to like you.  The question you're going to be asking is, "Do I have a chance?"  Well, I did some research and found all the different ways you can tell if your crush likes you.  Here's a list of ten things girls might do to clue you in:

1. Look for signs of nervousness or fidgeting. When your crush likes you, she will touch her lips, collarbone, or neck to draw your attention to these areas. She may even apply lipstick in front of you. Notice if she smiles around you.

2. When your crush  likes you, she will face in your direction. If a girl has her torso turned towards you in an open manner, this means that she is confident talking with you. If she has a closed body position, namely crossed arms or legs, she may be shy or nervous to talk to you or she may simply be creating a barrier to signal that she is uninterested.

3.  When she is sitting with her legs crossed, watch her feet. If they are pointed towards you, it might mean that she likes you and wants to get closer to you.

4. If your crush likes you, she will tend to either hold her gaze on you for a few seconds or glance down the moment your eyes make contact with hers. Either of these responses could mean that she likes you. If she pulls away quickly, it often means she is nervous or not ready to reveal her true intentions yet, but she may still like you.

5. When your crush likes you, she will often try to touch you, as this is a noticeable yet still subtle way to flirt. It allows a girl to size up how responsive you are. She may touch your arm when you say something funny, "accidentally" brush your shoulder or hands with hers, or gently place her hand on your knee.

6. Gently twirling strands of her hair or partaking in other grooming behaviors like running her hands through her hair could be signs of flirting.

7. If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this probably means that she has told her friends about you and they're "in the know." In some cases, a friend may actually be bold enough to come and tell you that her friend likes you.

8. When your crush likes you, she will often try to impress you with her style. She may choose to wear slightly revealing clothes or put on lipstick to catch your eye.

9. She may "friend" you on social media, talk to you in person every day after class, or text you randomly. These could be signs that this girl is intrigued and wants to get to know you more.

10. When your crush likes you, she may pretend to be in a mildly vulnerable situation to test your response. For example, if you're outside and the girl you like starts saying "I'm cold!" that's a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweater. Doing so is a very sweet gesture, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her.

There you go! Ten ways to know if a girl likes you.  

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