"You need to get some rest. It's late and I know you're tired." He smiled as he tucked me and kissed my forehead. He turned out the light and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

I don't know why but for some reason my eyelids were forcing themselves shut. Before I knew it I was sound asleep.

*Niall's POV*

Megan was now fast asleep and so I went to join the others in the living room.

"Did she fall asleep?" Liam asked.

"Yup." I said nodding my head.

"Wow you guys have been in there for hours." Louis said.

"Mmmhmm." I nodded.

"Anyways what are ya watching?" I asked curiously.

" Uhhhh... Don't know, just some stupid t.v show." Lou told me.

"Ahh." I said. As we sat there and watched the show I got tired and decided to head off to bed.

*Megan's POV*

I woke up. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. What the hell! It's noon. I rose up out of the bed and grabbed my crutches. I hopped down the stairs.

"Good afternoon everyone." I said behind a yawn.

"Where are we going today?" I asked.

"I am taking you to your doctor's appointment. Everyone else is going on a shopping spree or something like that." Niall told me coming over and tapping the tip of my nose and picking me up.

"Get a room." Harry said.

"Shut up, Harry." Niall snapped.

"Now you need to go get ready." Niall said putting me down.

So I hopped back to my room.

I went ahead and hopped in the shower. Literally.

I was still getting the hang of things, but I successfully showered without breaking or injuring any more body parts.

For today's appointment, my outfit consisted of a dark grey unicorn tanktop, a pair of skinny jeans, sneakers, a few bracelets, 2 rings, a tree of life necklace and my multi colored beanie. I didn't do much with my hair although I did curl the ends. I didn't really bother with make up either.

I then hopped back into the living room with my bag in hand and ready to go.

"You ready princess?" Niall asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I pleaded.

"No." He chuckled back.

At that he helped me out the door and to the car.

His car was in the shop because Louis decided to be stupid and try to race it while we were gone, and so Louis crashed it and now it's being repaired. So Liam let us take his car being the sweet guy that he is! Since he has an SUV Niall had to help me up into the car. Once he got in and started the car we drove off. On the way there I got a little nervous.

"Is everything alright sweetheart?" Niall asked grabbing my hand from my lap to secure it in his.

"Huh? Oh yeah, just a little nervous." I responded.

"Why? there's nothing to be nervous about." He stated confused.

"I just... I don't know. What if my ankle isn't getting any better? What if it's getting worse? What am I gonna do then?" I asked nervously.

"We will worry about that when the time comes, if it comes. I'm sure everything's gonna be fine." He said reassuring me, kissing my hand as we came to a stop light.

When we got to the hospital I searched the parking lot nervously for any paps that might be hiding in a bush, waiting to jump out and ambush us with their flashing cameras.

Once we parked I hesitated to get out because what if there were paps in this parking lot?

"What's wrong?" Niall asked unbuckling.

"What if there are paps here?" I asked nervously looking at him.

"Then I'll protect you." He smiled as he got out.

He came around to grab my crutches and opened my door for me handing my crutches to me.

As we got out he and I crossed the parking lot and made it safely to the door. We entered the waiting room and Niall kissed my cheek and tried to squeeze my hand.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" A very nice receptionist asked us. Since I was nervous, and Niall knew it, he answered for me.

"We're here for an appointment with Dr. Payton at 1:30." He answered as she checked her computer.

"Ah yes. Megan Hills, correct?" She asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Ok just have a seat and Dr. Payton will be right out." She instructed. Niall and I then went to sit down. My ankle was a little sore today.

"Megan?" We heard the doctor ask.

We then stood up together and walked over to her. Niall kissed me on the cheek.

"Hi Megan, how are you today?" She asked politely.

"Great, nervous. My ankle is just a little bit sore today." I explained.

"Oh. well come on in and have a seat and we'll see why it's sore." She instructed taking us into a room.

"Alright today we are going to take an x-ray and we are also going to see if your stitches are ready to be removed." She explained. I nodded as she wrote something down in a file.

"Alright you ready to go take the x-ray?" She asked. I just nodded as I stood up following her to an x-ray room.

She told me what to do for the xray and I did as told. Once the x-rays were taken I went back to the room with her.

"Ok it will take a minute for the x-rays to print but when they do I will come back with them." She explained leaving the room.

I started to get nervous and started messing with my nails.

"I'm sure everything is going to be fine baby girl." Niall said as he put his hand on my knee.

A few minutes later the doctor came in with the x-rays.

"Ok I have some bad news." She exhaled as she brought the x-rays in.

"The fracture was worse than we originally thought. Your ankle isn't as far along in the healing process as it should be." She explained pointing to the images.

Niall was wrong. It's not going to be fine. Just then I started having a panic attack.

"So what happens now?" I asked nervously.

"Well you will have to wear the ankle cast a little longer than expected." She explained.

"But the good news is that your stitches are almost ready to be removed." She explained. Once she finished Niall and I left and made our next appointment and went home.

The car ride was silent. I was holding back my tears and looked out the window so Niall wouldn't see.

When we got home I immediately hopped up the stairs and went to my room shutting the door behind me.

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