Is This Real?

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*Niall's POV*

When we got home Megan went straight to her room.

"How did it go?" Lou asked.

"Well her ankle is worse off than they originally thought. How are things going with um you know who?" I asked Lou referring to Connor.

"Well considering he hasn't showed up here or anywhere else we've been, I'd say pretty damn good." Louis responded.

"Good. I hope she never finds out he's here and I hope he never finds her. He better not go anywhere near her or I'll pound his damn face in. He hurt her and I'm not going to let him do it again. He has a lot of nerve to show his fucking face around here after what he did to her." I started to get pissed just thinking that he was here and could get to her when I'm not around.

"I know Niall, but there's nothing we can do about it because if we confront him, he is just going to follow us because wherever you are he'll know that's where she'll be too and then we would be leading him directly to her. I don't think we should be going anywhere for the next few days." He said.

"If none of us go anywhere Megan will know something's up." I stated.

"No she won't." Lou said. I looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive. if you keep her busy which you always do, she'll never know." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

*A few hours later*

El, Sophia and Perrie were going to go get something to eat. I figured Megan was probably starving so I went to her room.

I knocked on the door.

"Can I come in babe?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

I heard her say I could. When I opened the door she was sitting on the bed with her phone and iPad out.

"The girls are going to go pick up something to eat, do you want anything?" I asked.

"I don't know what I want. I'll just go with them." She said.

"Are you sure? What about the paps?" I asked nervously.

"Oh who cares about them. So what if they get pictures of me with the girls? What are they gonna do with them?" She asked getting up.

"You sure?" I asked once more.

"Positive." She said kissing me on the cheek. She was still dressed in what she wore to the doctors appointment. As she left the room I prayed that Connor wouldn't see her.

*Megan's POV*

El, Perrie, Sophia and I were going out to grab some food. Man I was so hungry. I hadn't eaten much today so I was glad that I was getting food. On the way there El asked me a question about my birthday and she and I carried on an interesting conversation. We finally decided on getting Nando's to-go. We ordered and waited. As we walked out I saw a guy that I swear looked like .... Connor Is that him? Nah. I'm probably just imagining things. We walked to the car. Once I got in I wondered if maybe that was Connor. Well... nahhh, I was probably just seeing things. It was probably the pain medication the doctor gave me. When we got back Niall wasn't in the living room with the others where I had left him. Hmmmm, I wonder where here went.

"Hey Lou, Where's Niall?" I asked concerned.

"I'm not sure really, I was looking at my phone when he got up and I really didn't think to ask him. Sorry love." He explained. The smile drained from my face.

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