"Hey little fella." His head peeked up to me and titled. I smiled with my tongue between my lips and he left. Can't blame him.

I leaned against the tree with a sigh, warmed with the fire. The night sounds had the river flowing and the fire crackling, as well as the occasional mewl of animals.

When my eyes opened I found it was nearing sunrise so I packed up and started walking towards my original target.

Okay, so normally I avoid human villages. And humans in general - but I'm running low on supplies. So I need to re-stock but that's hard to do in nature and not very. . . "Kind" in vampire villages. Or whatever is left of them since the war started.

I pulled my hood on as the sun begun to peak and I walked through the forest, carrying wood on my shoulder. I move light and don't own much so I have tons of room.

Sun doesn't kill most vampires but sadly it will kill me. Being powerful comes with consequences. I can't go out in sun but I do regardless, just covering my skin. It can also sear through fabrics so I always wear my cloak which is lined with multiple thick fabrics. It comes with being royal. (Burning in sun)

I saw the beginning of a paved path and dropped the wood in a bush. I also put down my bag. I'll get them later.

Continuing with my walk, I was greeted with a hole in a large stone wall. Upon entering, I saw it was a city-wall.

Directly in front of me was a marketplace, and there was a castle in the distance.

I walked through and the sun was higher now so I pulled my hood over my eyes further. I already had gloves that went on a few fingers and in between but skin was still exposed, so I slipped on my spares over top of them.

I kept my mouth shut as I traveled through the market (that had minimal activity), so I didn't have to retract my fangs.

There was a stand manned by a blond, curly-haired male whom sold many things including a variety of fabric. I retracted my fangs as I spoke, making a small noise like the unsheathing of a sword.

"Black fabric, please."

I bought some silk and cotton fabric and went to sit under a tree in the corner.

An hour and a half later, I had a mask to hide my lips, nose and chin, making me able to talk and protect my skin without having to hide my fangs as often. (Above)

I put it on just as I heard metal clanking and heavy marching. A glance up revealed everyone in the market was bowing or soluting a march of palace soldiers. I stood in respect but did not bow, curtsy, or even nod in their direction. I did take notice the crest of Falcon Claw on their armored chests though. One of them had a marching rhythm off.

However as they disassembled a few feet away from me I caught myself staring as they took off their helmets.

Or, staring at one of them.

He had black hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to glow as he laughed and spoke with the other guards.

"Aaron! What are you doing! You are a prince, not a knight! Get home at once!" A woman shouted from a higher street level above. She walked away with her maid-looking uniform swaying with her, and one guard clamped the back of another.

The dark haired man I had stared at sighed and glanced down, then looking up and catching sight of my eye. I looked away and felt my neck heat up.

Please tell me I'm not attracted to the prince of Falcon Claw.

"Hey." I turned at the close voice without even remembering him step close. But I didn't jump - it's very hard to scare me if you don't know how. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around before." He leaned a hand on the tree.

Should Have Walked Away | Aarmau Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now