Five -- Chris

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Surprisingly, Greg had let me out of the swing and given me my 20 spanks. Now we were upstairs, me at the counter while he prepared dinner. I knew there would be more fun later though and tried to enjoy the downtime while I had it.  He wasn't talkative or demanding but the energy was good; I was happy.  I looked around again, trying to notice the small things; it definitely didn't feel like home yet but I knew that it would before too long. I loved it even if it wasn't quite decorated. We really needed to get some pictures on the walls and I couldn't wait to look at all of his paintings.  I wondered if he'd meant, well of course he had said it so he meant it but maybe he'd changed his mind about letting me look.

"Is something bothering you?" I hadn't expected the question because he seemed rather busy with breading some sort of chicken.

"No Sir. Just looking around, I haven't had time to get used to the furniture  being here yet. Do you think we could take a look at your paintings sometime this week?"

"If you'd like."  He was snapping green beans and without looking up said "I saw your interview on television."

He had?!?!!    But Greg didn't watch television.    Other than the news and Big Bang Theory, of course.  How had he seen it?  I immediately knew which one he was talking about, the only interview that I'd actually talked about him in, of course.  That was my luck.  Shit, was he mad?  "You did?"

"Yes, was I not clear?"

I forced myself to swallow.  No, he had been very clear.  "You were.  So was it okay?  What I said?"  I never should've spoken about him.  I probably put my foot in my mouth and even though I'd tried to generalize and make him look good, who knew how he would take it.    We'd talked about it before and he'd told me it was okay to talk about him and our relationship but maybe the actual experience had bothered him.

"I'm not an expert at giving interviews but it seemed okay to me.  The host seemed happy with your answers and you were polite.   What's wrong?  You're breathing funny."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax.  I wasn't in trouble, it was fine.  "I was worried I might've overstepped or done something wrong."

"We've discussed before that your career is solely under your jurisdiction.    I don't understand why Kevin thought I would be interested."   And with that, he was done.

Once that crisis was averted, I couldn't stand how bare the living room looked any longer.  "Oh! Sir?  Can I go get my fluffy pillows for the couch?"  Who knew if we'd end up there after dinner?

He turned and looked at me, tongs still in his hand and his fingertips caked in breadcrumbs. "Your mind is a very odd place, Pet. If you wish, go ahead." Oh I wished.  Besides, sitting on a newly paddled ass wasn't fun and I needed a stretch.  I walked past the window just as the sky opened up and started pouring buckets. I did my best to not get distracted by anything and grabbed the pillows, brought them up and arranged them at each corner of the couch exactly how he normally had his. "I assumed you might want to put them on your couch but as agreed, they are fine up here."

Actually, I needed to get a new couch.  I wasn't crazy enough to think he'd come with me, or actually that I'd want him to.  It was a strange realization, that I didn't have to take every crumb of him I could get.  No, I'd rather shop with Kristie or Ollie and see him afterwards.  "I was thinking that since we don't really have a guestroom, I would get a convertible sofa for my extra room. Don't worry though, I won't mind getting it all set up and buying some new pillows." A quick knock on the door got my attention and I looked at Greg because I had no idea if I was supposed to answer it or not.  Ollie usually did at their house so it was probably my job but I was mostly naked and absolutely couldn't open the door like that. With my luck it would be paparazzi on the other side, coming to check out the new house.

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