Three -- Greg

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That Friday I decided to skip my normal evening run. Instead, after changing into gym clothes, I stopped at Kevin's to borrow his large SUV and then emptied the three remaining pieces from my storage unit which I hadn't been able to fit into my car. I had known what was left and once I managed to get them up the stairs, I knew exactly where each piece would go. It felt very, very good to have my extra bookshelf back into it's place and be able to unpack the remaining boxes of books on the floor. Those details would have to wait though, I wanted to get Chris' unit emptied as well. 

I didn't know what to expect. I knew that he had donated some to charity but I also knew that he had a lot of possessions and that he was much more sentimental than I was. Halfway there, I wished I had asked Kevin to accompany me but it was too late for that now. When I pulled up to his small unit with only an 8 foot wide door, I was surprised. I lifted the rolling door slowly and was amazed at how little was here. This didn't seem right and I pulled out my phone.

"Hello Sir" he answered politely.

"Hello Chris. I hope this is a good time. I'm at your storage unit but there isn't much here. Do you have a second one?" Perhaps this was just overflow, that made much more sense.

"No sir, just the one. There's not a lot. I knew I was moving in with you so I got rid of most of my stuff. Honestly, about half of those bins are clothes."

I didn't quite have time to process all that and the conversation had kept moving. "Yes, they're labeled. Would you like those in your closet room?" It seemed silly to put them in his couch room and clutter up the space just have to move them later. Of course, he probably didn't know that I had bought and installed a closet organization system for him but I hoped it would be a happy surprise.

"If it's not too much trouble, that would be very kind of you Sir. Thank you."

Of course it wasn't too much trouble. I'd spent two evenings already rearranging the living room and a solid two hours measuring the table to best fit in the dining room space. I still wasn't sure it was quite right but maybe Chris could tell me what he thought once he was home. "You're welcome. You'll be home Sunday?"

"Yes Sir. Two sleeps."

It was an odd way of putting it but he was correct. "Very well. I will see you in two sleeps."

He giggled a bit. "I can't wait. Goodbye Sir."

"Goodbye pet. Be a good boy." The noise that came across the line in response made my balls tighten. How could a half moan from hundreds of miles away affect me like this? I hung up and tried to plan whether or not I could get everything into the SUV in one trip.

I couldn't. It took two. When I was finished, I swapped vehicles at Kevin's house and went home, then moved all of the boxes from the garage into their appropriate rooms before I decided to get a quick shower. I had all day tomorrow, the rest of the unpacking could wait. I'd had a full week at work and I was tired.

My phone was ringing and since I had just seen Kevin, I worried that something was wrong with his vehicle and picked it up instead of letting it go to voicemail. "Yes?" I was still soaking wet and water was dripping onto the floor even though I had a towel wrapped around me.

"Greg, turn on the TV. Channel 607. Quick" he demanded.

"I'm busy. I need to get dressed. Besides, I don't--"

"Just do it. I know you don't watch TV but Chris is on and he's talking about you. Call me after." And then he was gone. If I had been that rude to him, I would've gotten a talking to. But he'd said 'Chris' so I headed downstairs.

The first thing I noticed was that he looked beautiful. He was so poised and his bright smile lit up the room. It had certainly won over his interviewer who seemed completely under his spell. I came in during the middle of a question. "not ashamed, why did it take you so long to talk about it?"

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