Chapter 12

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After a long day at work, Seth and Sammy were finally back in their own apartment, with enough privacy for them to talk about the days events. They ordered in some take out while Sammy talked about how well the recruits were doing, and how he hoped to get rid of Atticus from the training program within a week. As happy as Seth was to talk about Sammy's pet project, he had a matter of his own to discuss. He waited until the food had arrived and they were sitting comfortably on the sofa before bringing it up.

"Sammy...something happened at work today. Something no-one else can know about." Seth began gravely, playing with his Chicken Chow Mein absentmindedly. He didn't want Sammy to think that he had been deliberately keeping a secret from him. Heck, they had got married five years ago and promised never to keep secrets, but he was still worried.

"This sounds serious. Is it to do with the training?" Sammy asked, reading the confused but nearly excited look on his husband's face with curiosity. Whatever it was, it wasn't exactly good, but it wasn't exactly bad either. Something in between.

"Yes and no. You remember how I found this weird entry in Reed's old files? Well, it turns out that I was caught. Do you remember that guy Mordecai? Raidon hired him years ago," Seth asked, waiting on Sammy's nod of confirmation before going on. He looked so confused and a little upset, as if he was about to bash someone's face in for accusing his husband of something entirely innocent. It was adorable, but he didn't dare say that to Sammy; he hated being cute or adorable.

"Well, he's in charge of this secret department, Area 12, within the agency and that's what I discovered in Reed's files. Apparently, all agency cameras and microphones have this alert system for whenever someone mentions Area 12, just like they did for Reed a while back." He explained with a vague hint of a smile on his lips. Sammy felt stupid for asking, but he had to. He had to make sure that Seth wasn't getting in trouble for his own stupidity. He was the one that had insisted on better training, on looking into Reed's old files. If Seth had got into trouble for that, someone was going to get hurt.

"So are you in trouble?" Sammy asked cautiously, watching for any sign of upset or anger. But there was none. Seth was calm and composed, a little excited maybe but nothing bad.

"Surprisingly not. I would be...Mordecai told me I should normally be forced to sign a gag order and be given two weeks suspension but he thinks I have great skills and he wants them." Seth admitted with a smile, only to rush and correct himself when he saw the flash of jealousy and disapproval in Sammy's eyes and the way he raised his eyebrows in that intrigued but unhappy manner. "Not me. Just my skills." He elucidated with a guilty smile, but Sammy wasn't convinced.

"That's what they all say." He grumbled, digging his fork into his take out box in frustration. Seth was just half a year younger than him, but no-one would know it. He was so innocent and pure and sweet, that no-one would believe he was turning thirty in a short while. He was still that trusting, naïve teenage kid he had met all those years ago. Sammy loved him for it, but he knew that he was just the type of person others would take advantage of if he wasn't careful. It was his job to look out for him.

"Anyway, since Gideon didn't believe it meant anything, he's getting off with a warning, from me apparently. But this Mordecai...he offered me a job. And I want to take it." Seth kept talking, trying to hide his amusement and approval of his husband's jealousy. He knew fine well he was naïve and far too trusting for their line of work, but there was no way he believed Mordecai was after him for his body. He knew that the guy was married with kids, because he had been engaged and expecting a kid when Raidon had hired him. But there was no use telling Sammy that, he didn't care. He remembered Joe's previous actions far too well to care.

"He says it's all archiving and paperwork. Right up my alley, but I might need medical expertise for interrogations and he'll give me all the training I need that I don't already have." He continued, only to see that Sammy was shaking his head and trying not to look at him. He was jealous again and Seth could only guess that he thought Mordecai had plans to 'train' him in ways that had nothing to do with the agency. But he didn't care. He was not a cheater. "Do you really think you have anything to worry about?"

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