Day Three

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((I really hope ya'll like this chapter. I only write this for you, haha XD Anyway, much love to you for reading this far <3))

King Tridents POV

The night was long, very long. The torture inflicted to Ursula proved completely useless. Her mind remained the same, she had no intention of turning my son back. But this morning I got news from Sebastian, news that involved Ursula's brother, Morgan.
"He what?!" I yell.
"He's turned Flounder into a human without Ursula's knowledge... I think he's trying to mess with her."
"Of course he is. With Flounder on land, she'll have a chance at winning Ariels love. That would go against what Ursula wants..."
"Exactly." He responds. "So, with this new information..."
"Ursula will have no choice but to turn Ariel back, not unless she wants him to fall in love with Flounder." I let out a triumphant laugh then swim off to the dungeons where Ursula lay, bruised and bloody, her blood mixing in the water around us. It's disgusting.
"Oh, you again." She rolled her eyes.
"Flounder has legs, your brother gave them to her." I cut in, deciding to get straight to the point.
"What?!" She snarls. "How terribly annoying of him, typical pest. Trying to mess up my plans all because mommy favoured me over him." She laughed. "Pathetic. But it doesn't matter, Flounder will lose either way. Legs or no legs."
"You don't know that, Ariel and Flounder are very close. If she-"
"Blah blah blah!" She interrupts. "Face it, your son hates her. He's in love with a land person so accept it and move on."
I sigh and put my hands over my face.
"Flounders fate?" I ask, though I already know what it is, perhaps the witch has changed her mind.
"She dies."
"Right..." Of course.

Ariels POV

The next morning, I woke up to find myself in an empty bed. Did Jack leave? Just then, the door opened and Jack stepped inside, ruffling up his wet hair.
"You're awake! Sorry, I had to grab something from the market." He held up a basket. "Fresh fruits for breakfast." He smiled and set everything down on the table. "Want to help?"
I grinned and jumped up to my feet, rushing over to the table.
"What can I do?" I eyed the fruits curiously. "We don't have these in the sea."
"Hm, lets see." He picked up some long yellow fruits, that in a way, reminded me of fingers. "Do you think you'll manage peeling these? You just pull the top down."
"I can do that!" I say excitedly, working carefully to peel what Jack later informed me was called a banana.
He set the table and placed the lovely bread on our plates, topped it with the chopped bananas, and put some strawberries on the side. We dig in, and it tastes fantastic.
Just as we were finishing up, a knock sounded at the door.
"I'll get that," Jack stood and answered the door. "Boss? What are you doing here?" I heard him say, then tried to get a look at the person outside, however Jack blocked my view.
"This lil cutie here was looking for Ariel, thought she'd be here." The man outside said, but Jack would not let him look inside even as he tried to sneak a peak past him. The voice was familiar to me, though. Oh yes, that's right. I met Jack's boss yesterday while Jack was working. Jack didn't seem to like him very much.
"We're busy, alright."

Jacks POV

Ariel was in men's clothing, if my boss saw this, things could get messy real quick. But he was insistent, almost as if he already knew that I was hiding something.
"Please let me in, I want to see Ariel."  The short girl with the blue hair spoke up.
"Flounder!?" I whip around to see Ariel stumbling over to the door. I tried to stop him, but it was too late.
"Ariel! I've missed you so much!" Flounder tried to get inside, but I still would not allow her in.
"Please just leave." I say.
"What, so you can go shove your dick up his ass?" My boss scoffed. "You know damn right that it's illegal. I'm telling the princess about this, and then you'll be sorry." He turned to walk away.
"You can't tell. They'll kill me." I walk after him and grab his arm.
"Why should I care, you're a sinner, Jack. Sinners deserve to rot." 

Ariels POV

I see Jack run out the door after his boss, then I glare at Flounder.
"If Jack gets in trouble, it's your fault!" I scream.
"What do you mean, I just-"
"No! You told that I was a boy, boys can't be with boys on land. It's illegal, they'll be punished for it." I can't help the betrayal I feel. "You should have just left me alone, I was happy..."
"Ariel," she gasped. "I-I didn't know..."
I don't know what else to say, I can't think. Will Jack really be killed if the princess finds out about us? She seemed so nice when I met her, she couldn't possibly... Maybe she'll change the law! "Ariel?" Flounder said.
"What?..." I mutter in response.
"I'm sorry, really. Let me fix this."
"You can't," Jack said as he stepped back inside, slamming the door. "He's gone, got a carriage. He'll be at the castle in less than twenty minutes." Jack sighed then sat down on the couch, and flounder stood still.
"We can't give up...." I whisper after a while. "There has to be a way."
"There isn't, Ariel. It's the law." Jack says.
"So we change it, we'll speak with the princess, show her that our love is-"
"Ariel!" He yells, visibly shaken up. Fear? I nod my head then walk over to him and sit on his lap, then wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry, it's just.. I love you so much, the fact that it's my fault we're in trouble...." He says.
"Don't say things like that, it's not your fault." I reply.
"But if it weren't for my deal with the sea witch, you wouldn't even be here. You would be safe." He defends his case as if it's the only thing keeping him sane, clinging to the idea. Not wanting to put me at fault.
"I want to be here, though. I'm happy." I smile at him, then lightly kiss his cheek.
"I'll stop him..." Flounder adds. "You two should get out of here, maybe there's a place you can hide for a while." I look over at her and furrow my brows. She looks troubled, like she doesn't want to help, but at the same time, she does.
"We could go to my fathers old hunting lodge, hardly anyone knows about it. Only Berry." Jack says. I look between him and Flounder, then nod.
"Thank you, Flounder...." Maybe she's not as horrible as I thought, but still. One good deed amongst a bunch of wrong doings wouldn't be enough to clear her name.
Me and Jack pack up some of his things, while Flounder left to find her way to the castle, and we set off. We couldn't risk having some stranger take us, so we went to Berry and asked for him to bring us there in his carriage. He agreed, and we all settled in the back while Berry sat in the front with the horses.
"How long will it be until we're there?" I ask.
"About an hour or so." Jack replies, and pulls me a bit closer so we can cuddle. His body is warm, thankfully, since the weather is actually quite cold.

Flounders POV

I feel the carriage I'm in come to a stop, and I quickly jump out. I was able to pay the man with a bit of money Jack lent me, then I ran as quick as I could up to the castle. I was allowed inside but was told to wait in the common area, and that's when I spot him.
"You!" I yell. The man, Jacks boss, whips around to meet my gaze.
"Oh it's you," he smirks. "How nice to see you."
I only glare, then stomp towards him.
"You can't tell," I say.
"Why not?" He crosses his arms and raises a brow.
"Because, Ariel is my friend. He doesn't deserve this, he's a wonderful person who only deserves wonderful things."
"I have no interest in hurting Ariel, in fact, I'll leave him out of it entirely. I'm only here to get Jack in trouble, then you and your little red headed friend can run off together and do whatever for all I care."
I consider for a moment. If I accept this and move on, me and Ariel will be free to do whatever, like, for example, fall in love... before midnight, obviously. Or, I continue to bother him and fight for Ariels happiness?... No, what about my happiness?!
"You promise Ariel will be safe?" I ask.
"I promise," he replied, not a hint of sarcasm. And that's all I needed to know.
"Alright... They've gone to an old hunting lodge to hide... Please keep your word and leave Ariel out of this."
"I don't break promises, dear." He smiles, then a guard escorts him elsewhere in the palace, likely to speak with the princess. And as I watch him walk away, I can't help but feel that I've made a mistake.

((So. That was that. What did you think? Did  Flounder make a mistake? Do you have any predictions for the next chapter? Because I don't XD))

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