In For Trouble

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*Throws around some party confetti* Woohoo! Its here, the chapter is here!!! Once again, I will ask that you point out anything that doesn't make sense. I want to try and keep this from getting too confusing. ((I'm actually so scared, I'm really worried that this chapter isn't good.))


King Tridents POV

"Just.. Turn my son back, or else-"

"Or else what!" She laughed hysterically at me, such foul laughter if I may add.

"Or else, I will banish you. I have many reasons to do this, why I haven't thought of it until now is beyond me, but I'm not messing around anymore." I seem to have gotten her attention by now, a shocked expression lay across her face, though it's quickly replaced by a smirk.

"Oh hun, banish me if you want.. But take a second too think over that decision." I merely scoff towards her, as if I need to think. I am the king, why should I even waste my time thinking on the fate of the filth known as Ursula. But then it hit me. Banishing her would only result in me never getting Ariel back, but there is always the option of torture. Could the mighty king trident best the foul witch? I laugh then gesture towards the guards.

"Guards, lock her up!" Ursula grins and laughs again, oh how I want to destroy that laugh... She doesn't seem to visibly panic or try anything in her defence, though, which only concerns me. Ursula is strong, she should be capable of stopping this. Her laughter echoes through the halls as she is taken away.

I shake my head then swim off too my chambers, however I remember what Ursula had said, saying that she had spoken too Flounder earlier. What would she have to say too that poor girl? I needed to know, so I made my way down to the dungeons, chaperoned by two guards. Ursula was sitting behind the jagged bars, laughing quietly to herself.

"Ursula, what did you have to say to Flounder?" She looked up at me with an exaggerated frown, then made a shooing motion with her hands.

"Ursula!" I yell.

"Fine, honestly, I swear you have no patience." She makes her way over to the bars then yawns dramatically. "Alright, so I tried to make another deal with the little fish turned mermaid, as you know... This new deal would allow her to live when I win, in exchange for her soul of course." I can't believe this, this would be a worse fate than death.

"And?" I begin.

"She declined. The original deal still remains. She has until sunset tomorrow too win Ariel's love, or she dies" She made her way to the back of the cell, yawning again. "Now leave, I have nothing else to say to you." 

I see no reason to object now, and leave her too the guards. She'll get what she deserves tonight, and hopefully then she will turn Ariel back, since there is no way in hell that Ariel is staying on land. Flounders fate depends on Ariel returning to the sea, and I just know that my boy will be much happier back home.

Ariels Pov

The storm that caused me and Jack too come back here seemed to have calmed down by now, nothing but the occasional strong gust of wind remained now. Not that I care much though, it's warm inside. Berry and Phoebe were likely at home by now as well.

I lay beneath Jack in his pyjamas again, smiling like an idiot as he trails kisses down my neck. I love this, I love him. There's no way that I could go back to the sea. No way in hell. He kisses me lightly on the lips and I waste no time to deepen it. Kissing him back passionately, my hands on his back, his on my chest. He pulls away after a moment and rests his forehead against mine, a loving gesture.

"I love you so much, Ariel..." There was a slight sadness too his voice, and I wondered what had caused it. I had a feeling that it had to do with the law against us being together. It was a foolish law, one that I could not understand. But at least no one knew me, so it was easy to pretend. But pretending wasn't the best thing to do in a relationship now was it?

I pull him down into a tight embrace and wrap my legs around him.

"I love you too, Jack."

Jack smirked at me, then planted a kiss on my forehead, causing me to blush.

"I know you do."

As we closed our eyes I was filled with a content feeling, happy too be sleeping in Jack's arms.

Flounders POV

Earlier today I spoke with Ursula, I asked her to give me legs in exchange for my soul, but she refused. She just kept saying that I had to win Ariel's love from the sea. But that's impossible!? So I went in search of Morgan, Ursula's brother. He agreed to give me the legs I needed. I don't know why he agreed without making any deals with me, but I don't care. With these legs I can win Ariel's love, but first things first... I need to find him.

I try to stand, but immediately fall flat on my face in the sand. I sit up and spit on the ground in disgust, then look around for anyone. There is a man on a platform of sorts near by (Idiot, its called a dock) He doesn't see me, but perhaps if I yell he will hear me.

"Hello!?" I call out.

The man looks around for a moment, eventually his gaze stops on me. He waves towards me with a smile.

"Ahoy!" He chuckles, then jumps down from the dock and onto a small boat. "You need help!?"

Just then I realize that I'm on a small bank of sand in the ocean still, so it turns out I need help with two things. Walking, and getting too land.

"Er, yes I do, thank you!" I call back.

I watch as he sets himself on the boat and begins to row it towards me. It takes a good five minutes at the most for him too get too me, and he steps out and offers me his hand.

    "So, may I ask why you're naked?" He gestures too my body with a smirk, and I only blush. I can't tell him the truth, and I have no good lies, so I say nothing. I shake my head as if to say 'no' you cannot ask.

    "Well alright, mysterious." He keeps his hand out, and I eventually grab it, letting him pull me too my feet. I fall forwards against him by mistake, blushing even deeper.

"I'm sorry!" I try to steady myself but once again fall, this time backwards. He grabs my hand before I hit the ground.

"I think someone had a bit too much too drink." He chuckled after he had spoken, then hoisted me onto the boat before getting on himself.

The ride back to the dock was short and quite, and an awkward silence fell between us, filled only by the sound of waves hitting the nearby rocks. When we got to the dock, the man helped me off the boat, then threw a sail over me. I wrapped it around around myself like a dress, then attempted to twirl. He caught me before I could fall into the water...

"I think you should master walking before you try stuff like that, so... what were you doing out there, Mrs?" He asks curiously as he puts his arm around me.

"I was looking for someone.." I begin.

"I see, and who is this someone? A boyfriend?" He asks me this with a smirk as he starts leading me away from the dock.

"His name is Ariel, he's got red hair. Have you seen him?" Just then a look of confusion fell upon the man's face. I wonder why, perhaps he's seen Ariel. I hope he has!

"Ariel? No no, that can't be right. Ariel is my pal Jack's girlfriend. I met her this morning, she's a cute little thing." He stops walking and looks down at me, his expression still very puzzled. I can't help but wonder why Ariel would pose as a female, unless this is a different Ariel, but how many land people have bright red hair?"

"Ariels a boy, I'm sure of it... Anyway, can you bring me to him?"

"Alright, tomorrow though. Him and Jack are probably asleep by now."

He once again starts to lead me away from the docks. I follow him, stumbling on my feet every once and awhile. Luckily he is still helping me. We eventually make it too a nice looking home, and I wonder if its his. We walk up the steps and he unlocks the front door before ushering me inside, shutting the door behind us.

((Alright, what do you guys think is going to happen? Let me know! Also, if there is something that you would like or think would be cool to happen in the next chapter, private message me some ideas :D ))

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