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((So I would like to thank  fluffy_Senpai for being my proof reader and also I would like to thank everyone who volunteered. I'm still insecure about the chapter, but I'll blame my anxiety for that. Please enjoy. If you need me to explain anything just shoot mea message in the comments or privately.)

Flounders POV

"Get him to shore! Now!" I don't waste a second and grab Ariel's arm. King Trident grabs at the other and we start to pull him out of the castle and straight to shore.
"Is he alive!?" I scream out frantically.
"I don't know." King Trident pushes Ariel's motionless body onto the beach then backs himself up into the water.
"What are you doing?" I ask as he begins to swim further into the water.
"I'm leaving. He's one with the land now, is he not?" He ducks his head into the water, I see his tail splash in the water, meaning he's gone for sure now.
How could he just leave his son like that?
I look back at Ariel, only to see that he still hasn't moved. What if he doesn't wake up? I'll never be able to win his love! surely I'll die...
"Ariel!" I hear someone yell. I duck so that only the top of my head and eyes are visible from the water as I look at the land person running across the beach.
"Ariel..." His voice is hushed now and he's cradling Ariel in his arms. Is this Jack?
"Ariel, come on wake up!" He yells, though his voice seems weak. I also notice that he is crying, then he... He kissed him. He kissed Ariel's motionless body. I didn't realize it until Jack had looked in my direction that I had reemerged from the water. He gives me a questioning look, but he looks hopeful as if he thinks that maybe I can help. But I can't.

Jack's POV

I look at the blue haired girl in the water, briefly thinking that perhaps she might help. But she quickly submerges herself back in the water. I wait a moment wondering if she'll come back, but she doesn't, so I redirect my attention at Ariel. He's breathing, so I don't have to do CPR, but why won't he wake up?
I sit cradling Ariel's body for at least a half hour before it starts to rain. Ariel would surely catch a cold if he stays out here much longer, considering he hasn't got a single piece of clothing to keep him warm. With that thought I take off my long black coat and gently put it on Ariel, then button it up. I pick him up bridal style and carry him back to my home. A few people gave me odd looks, but I didn't think much about it. 
Finally, now in the comfort of  my home I remove the now soaking wet jacket from Ariel and place him on my bed. Afterwards I dig through my dresser and find two pairs of pyjamas. Carefully I dress Ariel in the white garments, then dress myself after.
I take a seat by my fireplace seeing as I'm not actually tired and most people are still awake, and just wait.
I let my thoughts wander. Of course the first thing I think of is 'How the hell am I supposed to pursue a proper relationship with Ariel!?' Surely We'll be executed if we were to engage in any sort of 'physical' entertainment (If we were to be caught). Though that's not likely to happen any time soon, since our relationship is still rather new. But how can I can I make this work? Was this a bad idea. What if something bad were to come from this? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The thought lingers and I sink back against a chair, letting the warmth from the fireplace wrap around me.
I lightly brush my fingers through my almost dry brown hair before being rudely startled by a knock at my door. I think about whether or not I should answer it and decide that it would be rude not to so I force myself  to open the door.
"You alright mate?  saw you earlier today. You looked rushed, like something's got you crazy." I examine the man at my door, and obviously it's my very good friend Berry. He's mostly soaking wet from the rain and his dirty blonde hair is a mess.
"Berry, it's good to see you." I replied with a grim smile, completely ignoring his question. He nods slowly as he squints his eyes at me.
"Whats going on Jack." Damn him.
"I really shouldn't tell you for me and one other's sake, please respect that." He looks at me again, this time his eyes widen and a smile spreads across his face.
"You found someone!" He yells enthusiastically.
"Indeed, but Berry don't tell any-" I was knocked out of the door as Berry ran in excitedly wanting to meet my 'lady friend' but he didn't seem too pleased with what he actually did see. It took him a moment as he looked over Ariels body head to toe, assessing the fact that he was indeed a man, and then.
"What the hell is this!?" He yells, pointing at Ariel who still lies unconscious on my bed. I sigh then walk over to Berry, only to have him back away slightly.
"Berry he's just-" Once again I'm cut off.
"Just a what Jack? Your lover? Your bloody queer man!" He laughs then looks at me accusingly.
"I'm not queer." I begin in response. Queer means strange, and I know that's not what I am.
"Okay, sorry. Your a homosexual?" He asks. His voice and features soften as if he's actually trying to understand.
"Berry, please... I can't help it."
"Do you even understand how much trouble you can get in for simply being a homosexual?"
"Yes, of course I do... But, I love him." He scoffs in response and rubs his temples. "Your not getting it!" He yells.
"Please, Berry, calm yourself." I place my hand on his shoulder earning a glare from him, but he does not brush me off.
"I must apologize... know that they have hormonal treatments that can help you, you'll be okay." His voice becomes more rushed and almost... Panicked?
"I don't need treatment Berry. I can't be treated because I'm not sick. 'You' are the one not understanding." He looks at me, then at the floor. He stands still for a moment if he's sorting his thoughts.
"Okay?" I ask.
"I should be going."
He heads over to the door, but before he closes it I hear him sigh before saying. "Maybe... Maybe I can try to understand. I'll see you later." Then he's gone.
In all honesty I'm incredibly grateful that Berry said that at the end. It's a hope that our friendship does not end here, and with that, I smile.
I stand staring at the door for a minute, then all of a sudden I hear a crashing sound and a silent 'oof' I turn around and see Ariel is awake and sitting on the floor rubbing his head.
"Ariel! Oh my Lord are you alright!?" I run over to him and gently grab his hands, then lift him up from the floor. He wobbles a tad bit, but stabilizes himself before looking up to meet my eyes.
"Jack? How am I here?" He asks, tiredness in his voice.
"I am so sorry Ariel..." I begin, ashamed. "I made a deal with Ursula. She gave you legs so we could be together, and I should have asked, I feel awful and I... I wasn't even sure if you wanted this..." I break our eye contact and look to the floor, then surprisingly I feel Ariel's body literally fall against me and he wraps his soft arms around my neck. He smiles at me before placing a tender kiss upon my lips. I smile into the kiss before pulling away and kiss Ariel's forehead earning a quiet hum of contentment from him. We simply stand holding each other after that.

Flounders POV

I swim back and forth in Ariel's cavern, terrified for him. The thought of him lying on the sand alone and exposed like that scares me. I also worry, for if he has not woken up yet then he must be dead! Is he dead!? And what about me! I don't know what consequences Ursula has planned for me, but I know it will be a terrible fate! I pick up the pace, swimming back and forth much faster now holding my fins, no wait, sorry. My hands to my ears. I'm not sure why though since it proves no purpose.
"Oh dear.. What ever shall you do." I whip around, now facing the entrance. Lurking in the corners are Ursula's eels.
"What do you want?" I ask fiercely, though part of me just wants to swim away.
"No no, it's not about what we want. It's about what you want." The other one speaks. I simply stare at them both, doing my best to stay calm.
"Ariels a land person now, meaning, there is no possible way for you to win Ariel's love." I glare at them as I wait for them to continue speaking. They don't so I decide that it's my turn.
"I know that. But what were you talking about before?"
"Your life. Ursula realizes that the game will be no fun if you can't even try, although you wouldn't win anyway."
"Your point!" I yell.
"Ursula is willing to offer you a new deal. You see, the original deal was that by the third day at sundown if you had failed. You would instantly be turned into sea foam. In other words. You would be dead. However, our master would like to offer you a job working for her which would ultimately mean that you pledge the rest of your miserable life to her. Basically, you would be selling your soul in exchange to continue living." No way. That's even worse than dying! But...
"Can I think about this offer?" I ask.
"You have until lunch time tomorrow, or else the deal is off." They swim away after that.
I find a corner that looks comfortable, then let myself sink to the ocean floor, closing my eyes as I await the next day. The second day.

King Tridents POV

"What have I done" I silently mumble to myself as I lock myself in my quarters.
"I just left him up there..." I sigh, then lye myself down on my bed.  There must be something that I can do to help him! Surely he did not bring this upon himself. Ariel... He would never make a deal with Ursula, no matter how selfish and careless. Or would he. NO! I will not accept that! I just fear that something bad may come of this. Things have taken a turn for the worse.
"Sebastian!" I yell. After a second Sebastian barges in through the smaller door made especially for him.
"What is it my king?" He asks.
"I need you to arrange a royal meeting with Ursula."
"W-what!? My king that is a terrible idea!"
"Assure her that she will not be punished for her misdeeds and that I wish only to speak with her."
"But sire..."
"The meeting shall be tomorrow at sunrise. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir..."
Ariel, my only boy. I will get you back. I promise.

**please comment**

((SWEET MOTHER THERESA ON THE HOOD OF A MERCEDES BENZ (thank you aot abridged)!!! There is so much going on in this chapter like woah! A new deal and freaking King Trident being all like, I wish to speak with Ursula! Well, she's probably busy with the whole flounder thing, but eh. We'll see how this goes because guys! This story took a really unexpected turn for me. Like literally, I just changed all my plans in this one chapter. What is wrong with me?))

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