Chapter 16 ~ Story time

Start from the beginning

I sat in my room two weeks, not coming out and trying to process the lost of my best friend, until one day I just snapped out of it. I swore that I would find the ones who did it. I was smart enough to befriend most of the police officers who were investigating the murders. Of course they had to interrogate me, but I had an alibi, so I wasn't a suspect anymore soon enough.

Thanks to me befriending the police officers, I could follow the investigation. They gave me information that non of the outside world ever knew, but still they weren't able to find to murderers. Not three year after Niall got murdered they closed the case without finding the murderers. They were still free and in my eyes that was wrong. Unacceptable, so I contacted my best friend at the police station.

I pleaded for weeks for him to deliver me the file that included the Horan's family murder. And one day, he just gave me it. It's not like they did anything with it anyway. 

But I did. On my own, I started a whole investigation and returned back to where it all happened. There I found the one thing the police missed. A piece of DNA. Then I did some illegal stuff. I broke into the police's database. I was so close to finding the murderers and I wasn't planning on telling the police that. They would just put them in jail, but for me they deserved a lot more worse punishment. 

Then the day arrived I finally found them. The name. I'll never forget it. Then the second name. Immediately I searched for where they lived. Not far away from Niall's house to be honest. So I took a gun and drove to Alex' house first. He was one of the two murderers. I don't know what he wanted from Niall and his family and why he did it, and I didn't really care. I just wanted him to get punished. 

I told him a lie about being there to check something in his house. The bastard didn't even hesitate to let me in. The look on his face when I pulled the gun and pointed it at me. That's when he recognized me from the news. He admitted that he killed Niall and his parents together with his friend, Walter. He was begging me not to kill him, but I shot him through his head anyway. Then I went to Walter and repeated the actions. 

I couldn't let the bodies just lay in there houses. They would be found soon enough, so I moved them to the hut you just discovered. That were their bodies, the one you called after the crazy twins from Alice in Wonderland." Liam chuckles.

"I was 32 when that happened. I was relieved I did it, but somewhere inside of me I still felt guilty. I mean, I killed humans. 

The rest of my life I tried to shake it off. I found a girl, married her and in the end she died. I did too, and then I was confronted with what I did again. I got the choice between working for the one that watches over Earth. Not God. He doesn't exist, but just someone who makes sure that things won't get to bad on Earth. Or my soul would be destroyed. 

I chose the first option. Now I'm working for someone I've never seen before. I was assigned to do his dirty jobs. I hate it, but one day, he assigned me for another job too. He knew about Niall and his hate for humans. He sent me to protect you from Niall. I got down to Earth and took over Theo, as you know. 

I talked with Niall. He promised me not to hurt you anymore, but weird things kept happening. That's why I went away for a while. I researched it and found out what the danger is that wants to hurt you and Niall. The danger you met this night."

My eyes widen. "Who is it?" I ask, but it's not more than a whisper.

"It's Walter and Alex. They're back."

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I can't believe you all thought that Liam was the bad guy in this! He's innocent as a puppy!! 

Here it is finally, I'm sorry it lasted so long, but I hope you guys like it. Thank you all for the long wait. Also for the ones who read the frozen heart. 

First thank you all so much, I got 10k+ votes and all the numbers are in bright red now, you cannot believe how happy I am!!! Thank you so much!!!

As for now, I have a question. When this story is finished. (Because yes, it will have an end eventually) which story do you want me to start writing first? The games or Amethyst?

Look at the beautiful banner at the side!!! 

Dedicated to @BeautyWITHfangs because of all her lovely comments that make me feel better. 

Okay, I'm gonna ask again, would you watch if me and my friend would do a twitcam? I will send the link and my profile and everything you need when I do it, but not now. It can last a few weeks.


comment, make them long!! (dedication)




xx Lisa xx

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