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I'm walking through a bustling city while holding someone's hand. For some reason I can't turn and see who it is, but when they speak, their voice sounds very familiar. My heart jumps in excitement when they suddenly pull me closer and I slowly begin to turn towards them and–

Suddenly, my alarm clock starts ringing loudly, pulling me out of my slumber. Are you kidding me? I think, I just had to wake up right at that moment, huh?

I press snooze on my alarm clock and yawn loudly. I'm up at 6 AM on the first day of summer, but I jump out of bed excitedly when I remember why. Today is my first day of my internship at Jeon Enterprises, a company that my dad has been basically working at forever. The CEO of the company is Mr. Jeon, and I have known him since I was little. Him and my dad are good friends, and he was the one who gave my dad a chance all those years ago. Even though Mr. Jeon knows me well, I want to make a good first impression on the job.

I decide to wear a white blouse, a black pencil skirt, and black heels. I end up letting my brown hair be its natural self, but I wear a heavy makeup look. Jeon Enterprises is an extremely well recognized and wealthy company, and everyone there is always professional and well dressed. I want to be able to fit in and feel like I belong there, and I'm determined to show that.

Once I'm finished getting ready, I head downstairs. My stomach is already spinning with nervous butterflies, and I decide against eating breakfast. My dad is sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee, and when he hears me he looks up and smiles widely.

"You look lovely, Emma. Are you excited yet?" He asks, setting down the paper.

"Of course! But I'm also super nervous. What if Mr. Jeon doesn't think I'm fit for this job?" I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. This is the only place I've wanted to work at since I was young, and if it doesn't work out then I honestly don't know what I'll do.

My dad stands up and pulls me in for a hug. I lay my head on his shoulder and he says, "you can do this. I know you can. You've wanted this since you were a kid. Remember when you and Jungkook used to pretend you worked–" He stops speaking abruptly and pulls away from the hug, his eyes angry.

"W-what is it?" I ask nervously. "Is something wrong?"

My dad fidgets with his tie and says, "well, I guess you should know that Jungkook works there as well. He's pretty high up, considering his dad is the CEO. I know you two used to be good friends, and you haven't seen each other in years, but Emma, I don't want you around him."

My heart is beating hard and fast at the prospect of seeing Jungkook again. I have liked him since I was young, when we were best friends. We pretended to get married and were each other's first kiss. I don't even know the first thing to say to him. But the last sentence of what my dad says catches my attention.

"Wait-what do you mean, you don't want me around him?"

My dad sighs, and I can tell he's angry. But I didn't do anything. So if not at me, then who? Is he angry at Jungkook?

"I don't want you anywhere near him, Emma. That boy is nothing but trouble. He uses people to get what he wants and won't stop until he gets it. Mr. Jeon is always saying you two are gonna get married someday, but I would rather die before I see my daughter with that fuck up. All his life, he's had everything handed to him on a silver platter, he's barely had to work for anything. And anyways, the things he does in the office is disgusting, I'm surprised some of his scandals haven't reached the media yet." My dad's eyes are blazing and he sighs again. "The point is," he continues, "I hate that boy, and I just want you to be safe."

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