Save Me

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I'm adding a new part because Ssundee_Bellabeast made me happy by commenting,voting, and I read her description and she LOVES SEPTIPLIER!!! Anyway time to stop stalling. Also warning: hate against LGBTQ by using the word Fag, and abuse and self harm. Sorry if it's a little bad.

John's POV

   "Fag!" My father yelled at me as he trew everything in my nightstand out some of the things hit me. He stomped over to me his knuckles are white. I cover my head as he brings down a book to hit me with. I feel tears swell in my eyes, but I knew if I cried the punishment would be worst.

   "Why couldn't you be like your siblings!" He yells hitting me harder. He looks at me like I'm a disappointment when I finally put my head up. He goes to rumage through my stuff again and then goes to Alexander's side.

   "That's not mine!" I yell at him. Oh no. No no no no. I shouldn't have yelled. He marches back over to me.

   "Did you just yell at me?" He asked mockingly 

   "I'm sorry sir" He doesn't let me call him dad anymore.

   "You better be" he says as he raises his hand to slap me. After he does he starts messing with all of Alex's stuff. It makes me so upset.

   When he finnaly leaves not without leaving a couple more bruises, I go to pick Alexander's stuff up. I look at his t-shirt and held it tight. I wish he was here. When I finish cleaning up Alexander's side I go to the bathroom. I sit in the bathroom alone. And thats when my dreaded thoughts start coming to me


Kill yourself

No one would care

And the worst one Alex wouldn't care

   I take the blade that I tried not using and instead of using it on my wrist I use it where no one will see it. No one will ask. No one will know. I take it to my thighs,to my cheast, anywhere that would be more painful. I get dressed again. I text Alex.

Me: My dad left.

Alexander 😍💔: Okay. On my way back now.

   When Alex texted back I jumped this isn't the last of my dad and that worries me.

   "Hey welcome back. My dad will probably come back in another week or so-" Alex cuts me off

   "No I'm not leaving again. What happened?" This aggressive Alex is something I never seen before.

   "Nothing happened-"

   "Bull I had things laying out that are all put up, my bed is made, and your cleaning your side of the room something happened. You don't have to tell me, but most importantly you don't have to talk to me." I stand there with my mouth open. Alex does not care, he does not love you, he will drown you before saving you.

   I finish cleaning my side of the room and go to sleep. My nightmares consume me and my new wounds from my father ache. My heart aches.

Alex's POV

   I feel bad for what I said to John. I want to help him. He won't tell me anything. It hurts worse now that I know that I like him. I wish he would tell me what I could do. I wish I didn't hurt him. I wish I knew he could protect himself.

John's POV

   I wake up and rush to my class after getting dressed. Thank god I only have one class today. It's only 3 hours I can get through 3 hours. The class goes by so slow. No one I hate is sitting around me. I just can't focus. My mind keeps going back to Alexander.  I needed to fix this. I decided to go to Laf and Herc.

Me: We need to have a meeting. ASAP.

Laf😛: Okay meet us at our dorm when class is over.

   I go to Laf and Herc's dorm and knock. The door opens quickly and Laf pulls me in.

   "What is it mon amie?" Laf says sitting me down.

   "Alex hates me" he looks at me and wants to know the story so I told him what Alex said.

   "Well what happened to his stuff?" Laf questions.

   "My father was pacing and when he went to Alex's side he fell." I say the wrose lie ever.

   "You don't have to tell me, but tell Alexander." Laf said.

   "He won't believe me." I say.

   "He will if you tell him the truth."

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