Chapter 7

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Jessica’s POV:

Are you kidding me! A hickey! God damn that boy! I shouldn’t have let him do that no matter how good it was. I didn’t notice how bad it was until now, in the bright sunlight the day after. I brush my fingers over the bruise like appearance, contorting my face into disgust. How am I supposed to cover this thing! I could put my hair over it, but there’s a chance my hair could move…so cover-up?

I grab some of the liquid foundation and smear some onto my neck, nothing changing. Panicking, I dab a little more on and rub it on, until finally it’s covered.  I quickly throw on some faded blue jeans, along with a cream colored sweater. I apply some quick makeup and leave my blonde hair down as it cascades my shoulders in waves. I top it off with some white vans, lacing them up loosely.

I quickly stroll out of my room and out to the kitchen to find Cassidy rummaging through the fridge. Her eyes move from one empty shelf to another, a sigh escaping her lips. “Jessica!” She turns to me and stands up straight.

“We need to go grocery shopping, and by we, I mean you,” Cassidy grabs my keys off the table and tosses them to me.

You see, when we started sharing an apartment, we agreed to split the price of everything. Except for groceries, which we just pay for every other time.

“Are you serious?” I grumble grabbing the keys and fumbling with them.

“Yes, your turn! Love you!” Cassidy walks to her room, leaving me no choice but the shop.

I hop into my black small car and head to Shop Smarts; the drive is only about 5 minuets so I’m all good.  The store is kind of hidden from all the busy streets. As I’m parking I realize there is no parking in this small parking lot, I grunt before parking about a quarter of a mile away.

I go about my shopping, until I bump into a blonde bimbo by mistake.

“Sorry,” I smile reaching for the pasta. Do I want the long kind or th-

“You should be,” She hisses interrupting me. Wow, bad day for someone.

“Bitch,” I mutter, which earned a gasp from her. I turn on my heel and walk to the checkout before she can follow me, probably to bitch at me.

I carry my bags with quite a struggle. I see my car ahead, and it looks so lonely by itself. It’s tucked away from the hustle of the streets behind a brick building, which leads into an ally. Shivers arise in my spine as I hear voices in the ally.

I think the fact that I’m away from anyone that could hear me passing by an ally just scares the shit out of me. I walk swiftly to my car, parked just near the ally and quickly chuck my bags into the car until I hear someone shout from down the brick pathed ally.

I slowly move myself up against the brick wall, peeking my head around the corner. Any person with sanity would run now, but danger appeals to me. I sneak behind a trashcan, peering at the 3 men in the ally. One is pushed up against the wall, and 2 are holding him there.

“I said I’d give it to you soon!” The buff brown haired guy says, his collar gripped in a tan persons hand. “Soon isn’t enough!” The tan one barks… wait, that’s Zayn! I knew he was trouble! Next to him is guy that I cant quite see yet.

“We gave you warnings!” No, no, no, no! Come on! Why always him!

“Harold! You know damn well you gave me no warnings!” The dirty man pushed up against the wall screams, teeth gritted.

What the hell is happening, and why? A gang maybe? I hope Harry doesn’t get involved in this, he could have good things, have badass exterior with a good heart.

Well maybe he has a good heart, just guarded.

“Too late!” Harry reaches into his pocket to pull out a black hand gun. Gun. Harry has a gun. Guns kill. Harrys holding it. Gun.

I think the point where I freaked out was where he firmly pressed the black machine to the buff guys temple. Finger on the trigger, ready to pull.

At that moment, my mind raced, and my heart stopped.

It’s short because I have no time! L also, like no one is reading, everyone reads the very first thing I posted then stops reading? Can anyone tell me how to fix that? :/ Thanks :) - Cassidy 

btw im 16 from Texas :p how s=bout u guys :)

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