Chapter 5

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Jessica’s POV:

“Jessica!’’ I turn my head furousiously to find a way out of here without Jacob seeing me. His brown hair styled up making an appearance. (He is played by Dylan O’Brien! (: Sorry if I spelled that wrong!)

By the time I have a path set into my mind Jacob’s nearing to me. I make a quick dash behind a parked car, which will give me a few seconds.  Think Jessica, think!

Faster than my mind can comprehend I pull out the small white slip from my bra. I re-read the number before fastly typing it into my IPhone. I know I shouldn’t call Harry, but as of now it’s either him or Jacob.

“Come on, pick up, and pick up!” I yell, tears of frustration brimming my eyes.

“Hello?” Harry’s thick voice fills my ears.

“Harry it’s urgent. I need you to please come get me near the Auto Shop on 5th street. Please.”  My voice is edged with fear and cracks a little at the end before I hang up the phone and walk to the sidewalk to wait for him. I know you’re thinking ‘she despises Harry why did she call him?’ It’s like only option as of now.

 ‘’Jessi, please princess,” Jacob pleads as he catches up to me. Shit, shit shit.

“Jake I don’t want to talk to you. Ever again. Do us both a favor and fuck off.”  I say coldly facing the street.

“Listen,” He places a hand on small of my back and I immediately react. “Don’t touch me!” He surprisingly listens and retracts his arm.


“Jessica.” I shoot at him. He lost the right to call me that.

“Jessica, you don’t understand I was drunk! You know me. We loved each other for two years! You know I wouldn’t ever mean-“

“You hurt me! Inside and out! How could you?! I loved you! You cheated! And on top of that you know what you also did? T-the worst thing?! Y-Yo-“ I can’t finish my sentence, the sob finialy escapes from me.

“Oh god,” Jacob lets me rest my head aginst his chest for a moment before I pull back taking in the situation.

“I’m so sor-“

“Sorry doesn’t count! Listen to me! We are over! You’ve ruined me!”

Suddenly my upper arm is grabbed roughly, ending my attempt to turn away.

“Stop it hurts,” I whimper. Not only my arm, but also my heart and insides hurt just from looking at him.

Just as he’s about to say something, a black Range Rover pulls up next to me with the window rolled down. Thank God, I think as I see curls and bright green eyes look at me.  His jaw is tensed as he observes me closely.

“Jessica, get in. Now.’’  Harry commands through gritted teeth.

“And who are you to tell her what to do?” Jacob sneers.

“He’s my boyfriend,” I snap, yanking my arm free. Jacob narrows his eyes at me in disbelief as I climb into the car. “Go,’’ I turn to Harry as he speeds away.

I tell him my apartment building before he can ask anything. But he jumps to questions right after.

 “So I’m your boyfriend eh?” Harry smiles at me.  “You sooo wish,” I giggle back at him. Once I stop, silence fills the car for a moment.

“Now on a serious note who the hell was that? And why’d you call me?” Oh how I wish this wouldn’t happen now. 

“Some random guy. He was following me and so I called you because no one else could of picked me up.” Well its only half a lie, I guess. As I say this I look outside at the September weather, avoiding eye contact. One of my weaknesses, lying. I cannot look anyone in the eyes and lie, it’s too obvious. My eyes tell the truth, battling against my mouth.

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