Chapter 1

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Jessica's POV:

   "Jessi!" Cassidy's sudden voice snaps me out of my trace. "Oh sorry, whats wrong?" I ask trying to play off my lack of focus at my job. "Orders ready for table ten. Hey, you sure you're okay?" She raises her eyebrow. 

  You see Cassidy is like my best friend-sister practically. we both met working here at Dave's Diner. Soon after we met we hit it off and moved in together; seeing both of us needed a place to share with someone. She goes to UCLA, whereas I don't even go to college, due to the fact that I'm broke. To also add to my lack of motivation to go to college, high school was enough shit for me. So that's what lands me here, working in a restaurant to get enough money to make it along. 

 "Yes, Cassidy. I'm fine," I roll my greenish gray eyes and carefully grab table 10's plates. Wow, they eat a lot for only two people. "You sure? Because only 2 nights ago-" I put my hand up to stop her from continuing about something I'm not in the mood to discuss.

 "Cass, I'm fine trust me. Just a little tired." I pull on the most genuine smile I can and walk away before we can go any deeper into that conversation. 

The rest of the day goes on-slow, as usual. "Cassidy, Jessica come here please!" My boss (The manager) Jarred Rivers beckons Cassidy and me over. "Yes Mr.Rivers?" I question trying to keep my distance from my flirtatious boss. "I'm leaving early due to a family emergency. So can you two lock up in 20 minuets when we close?'' 

     "Yeah, that's fine.'' I assure him grabbing the keys dangling from his pudgy hands. He thanks us both before grabbing his coat and hurrying out the front doors. 

Us and the other workers finish up the last tables and clean up the small diner with 5 minuets left until closing. "Bye guys!'' Cass yells to the Sydney, Kenny, and Erik (the other co-workers) as they leave. 

I walk over to flip the sign to 'Closed' when the door flings open, almost hitting me. In walks a tall boy, god like almost. Cassidy gasps slightly, fear showing on her face. He has curly chocolate brown hair styled into some form of an up-do. His eyes are an intriguing shade of green that I almost get lost in. He also has this bad-ass exterior to him, but sadly I'm not a fan of 'bad boys'.

"Are you done staring so I can eat and be seated now?" A smirk appears at the corner of his lips tugging up. And holy crap he's British! "I was not staring, don't be too pleased." I bite back, to fast almost. 

He lets out a low chuckle and crosses his arms over his toned chest, some tattoos showing on his arms. "We're closing. Sorry sir, come back tomorrow." I retort while Cassidy just observes our encounter. 

"It says on the sign out there you close at 10 PM," he steps closer, towering over me so I'm forced to step back a bit  "And I believe it's only 9:56. So you're still open."

I open my mouth to fight back when he speaks again. "For fuck's sake just get me a beer! The bars here are to crowded!" I flinch back and Cassidy grabs my arm and pulls me to the back with her, after assuring him we will get a beer. 

"Are you crazy fighting with Harry?!" Cassidy harsly whispers. So he must be Harry I'm guessing. "Why? Is he a killer or something!" I say sarcasticaly grabbing a bottle of Bud Light from the kitchen. 

"Jessi! He's just trouble!'' She says, her expression un-readable. "And how would you know?" I question, my tone less harsh. 

"He just moved here from England like 5 months ago and he's already got a reputation! He hangs around with Zayn and sometimes the rest of those boys!" Ah, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis. Some of the hottest boys in this boring town. But they are also this towns biggest assholes, so it counters out. 

"Whatever, I'll just give this to him so he'll leave." I flick my blonde hair over my shoulder and sway back over to Harry who is impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. As soon as I get over to him he abruptly grabs the drink from me and rips the top off the moist glass bottle.

As he takes a swig he never takes his eyes off of me, making me feel under his control. "Thanks Jessica," He glances down at my name-tag, fixated onto my chest. The way he say my name though, comes out almost seductive.

"Y-" I clear my throat as my vocie comes out small and weak, causing him to chuckle. "You can go now, don't worry about the price." I say spinning on my heel, but a hand grabs my wrist causing me to gasp and face Harry. "W-what?" I stutter, his actions catchng me off guard. 

He squints his eyes at me, as if trying to figure me out. I shift my gaze to the ground before he drops my arm and walks out. And just like that, he's gone.

I look over to Cassidy who is just as bewildered as I am.

     Did you like it?! :) that was a lot of typing! sorry it started off lame but you gotta start some where! PLEASE KEEP READING, I KNOW IT SUCKS BUT IT GETS MUCH BETTER! so yes, harry is 20 and Jessica is 19 ! Cassidy is 20 also. And none of the boys are famous. Lastly just picture that this takes place in a kinda boring town in California! please get this story out, and tell me if u like it! sorry for any errors btw:)!

-Cassidy xoxo

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