Four: In Which He Breaks Her Heart Instead of The Other Thing

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C H A P T E R  F O U R 

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          THE NIGHT WAS dark as droplets of rain fell from the sky, a chilly wind swished through the empty streets causing tree branches to scrape themselves against my windows. The sky would often flash a white light as thunder stroke our ears, the rain only getting heavier and the wind becoming tougher. When I heard a knock on my door – I became startled because let's just say this wouldn't be the scenario a girl would want to be in when she lives alone.

As soon as I was about to take a step forward, the lights completely switched out on me as a thunder broke the sky and suddenly I was surrounded by darkness. "Oh god, I am so sorry for whatever wrong doing I am committing. Please don't let this be the way I die." I whispered to myself as I turned the flashlight on my phone on.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I was in the kitchen, I took the nearest object in my hands which was a pan and made my way towards the door, praying that it wasn't a mass serial killer behind it. I took slow steps, like those that you would see in a horror movie. When I reached it, in inhaled and a breath and swung the door open.

I never ask who it is because that way if there is a serial killer, they would expect someone to ask and not have a pan smack them across the face immediately. I prop my weapon up behind myself and was seconds away from swinging it across the person's face when I came into realization of who it was.

Jaxson. Wet, cold and – crying.

"Jaxson, you scared the shit out of me!" I shrieked. "What's wrong, is everything okay?"

"It's over, Nicole!" He cried, throwing himself on me and swinging a hand around my neck. His breath reeked of alcohol. My heart skipped a beat at the hearing of that and suddenly my mouth became dry as I was at a loss of words. "Karen, she – she broke up with me. That stupid woman at dinner showed her everything in the security camera's. From us walking in, to us kissing. Everything."

"Damnit Adelaide," I hissed through gritted teeth. "How is that possible, she left before us. I saw her walk out. We all did." I was still motionless as I tried to carry Jaxson's weight. The rain was getting inside my house and If I didn't close the door now my entire house would flood.

I help walk over to the couch and prop him down, but he doesn't want to let me go. He's drunk. "I don't know. But I can't be without her, she's the love of my life and my sweet, sweet child. I miss them so much, Nicole. I screwed up, bad. What the hell was I thinking?" His voice broken with each word that left his lips and if you looked closely you could see a tear drop rolling down his cheek, colliding with the wetness of the rain.

I felt my heart shatter as I walked over to close the door. I didn't know what to say. "This is all my fault, I am so sorry. I promise tomorrow we'll go right down there and I'll explain everything to her. She'll understand, she has –"

"She won't." He muttered. "Damnit!" He took the vase that was sitting on my table and smashed it against my wall, the glass falling onto the floor. He was getting angry.

"Okay calm down, please." I tell him, my voice shaky.

He looks up at me, his eyes charged with fury. I gulp. I stare at him back, unsure of what to do and then with a split second going by he burst out crying as his face falls into his hands. It's dark but I could see most things and he looked pretty beaten up.

"I'll bring you some dry clothes, stay – stay right here." I tell him and then turn around to walk into my bedroom.

"Where else would I go?" I hear his lazy drunk voice whisper.

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