Five: In Which He Shoots His Dangerous Load

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C H A P T E R  F I V E : 

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          People say, that when you love someone – the last thing you want to do is hurt them. But don't they know? Loving is hurting. Love is the one thing that can make you do things you don't want to do, the one thing that everyone searches for yet when it's all over they're broken. Absolutely broken and no matter what you try to do – you cannot mend your heart back. So why is it that we search for love? Is the happiness worth the drama and distress in the end? Or is it the thrill of the chase that's fun? What do you believe? That love makes you do crazy things?

I lasted three days on the floor after that night. Not once did I get up, because nothing else mattered. When I finally got up and the actual pain flood over me – I was entirely empty inside.

Nothing had ever hurt me as much as what Luke had done. Not even when my own parents threw me out of the house for days because eventually I knew that one day they would come looking for me. But what Luke did, play me like I was a joke – that was unforgettable. And yet still, all I wanted was for him to come looking for me. I wanted to see his face, feel his touch, and for him to tell me that this is all a wrong mistake.

And now, here I was four days later in my office packing up everything. I didn't even bother to do my make up this morning. I simply threw my hair into a bun, slipped on some black jeans, threw on a white blouse and marched my way to the office to collect my things.

I wasn't fired no; I asked for a transfer.

I didn't want anything to do with Luke or Adelaide and if leaving my job behind for a new one somewhere else was going to do just that, you bet I was going to take it. What he did to me was embarrassing, he made me fall in lust with him yet his plan all along was to break me. And he did it for the one person who despises me. I guess I know what hate feels like now.

"Nicole..." A breathy voice spoke softly.

I turn around to find Luke standing at my doorway, his eyes fell when they met my tired ones. He took a step forward and was seconds away from closing the door when I stop him. "Don't you fucking dare close that door because I swear to god if you do I will strangle you to death." I spoke through gritted teeth. The anger was evident in my voice.

He didn't say anything, so I got back to shoving things in my box. "We have to talk, this isn't what you think. I love you, I really do." He takes a step closer and places a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged his touch away and took a step further from him. "Don't touch me. If you really did you would have stayed when I was calling for you. I was willing to hear you out you though what you did was erroneous, I was willing to forgive you because I thought you might have actually fallen for me in the process. But I was wrong. You had me their screaming for you to come back because I needed you to explain things to me. But all you did was walk away and if that's what you consider love then I don't want it."

"What I said that night was real. Every word." He said. "But then Adelaide showed up and I – I got scared alright."

"Oh, what a big man you are. Why didn't you tell Adelaide that it was me you wanted and not her? Why didn't you tell her that you didn't want to continue with her stupid plan? Why did you chose to embarrass me and break my heart in front of her, huh? She must have told you about our history, so why did you choose to put my feelings aside to help her? You said it was me who you loved, that it was me who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and then I come to find out that that was all a lie. You promised you wouldn't hurt me Luke, you even made me fall for you." I tell him but he doesn't respond, he just stares at the floor speechless, clearly hurt. "You had your chance and you ruined it. People always leave me anyways, but you, I thought you were different."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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