[Luscious #1]

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This chicklit novel is for pure entertainmant. I will be updating whenever I possibly can not because I am pressured to. As school is approaching and I am still working on my main book The Ripper, which you can find on my profile, I wont have a lot of time for writing. But don't worry, I will of course update whenever I can just because I know I am going to love this book.

For the people who comment UPDATE

This is my shit, I write my shit when I want to

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This is my shit, I write my shit when I want to. Please, so if you cant possibly handle waiting a good two weeks, just two weeks for an update then I am letting you know now, don't even try reading the next part. I am sorry but I have a life and friends and commenting UPDATE isn't going to magically make them poof away so that I am imprisoned to write a chapter. 

I will sometimes try to update twice, just to be nice but please don't rush me. I hate being rushed and when I rush things, they never turn out good. So if you want this story to be a good read, then please be patient - I promise to sooner or later deliver what you want. 


1. Luscious (on-going)

2. Flirtatious (coming soon)

3. Bumptious (coming soon)

4. Malicious (coming soon)

I'm not a monster, I swear I'm cool I just loose my shit sometimes lol. Besides that, who is ready for some kinky fun shit? I will be posting a progloue so that you guys know more of what this is, make sure you add this book to your library to get the update! :) 


Luscious (18+)Where stories live. Discover now