One: In Which He Ends Up Leaving With Blue Balls

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C H A P T E R  O N E

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          Monday morning, I was a complete disaster.

I didn't know what I was going to do when I was inches away from Luke and the fact that I had a meeting with him and his father alone, did not help the situation. See Luke's father, Zandy Michaelson owns one of the biggest fashion industries in the state and he was kind enough to give me a job. The last thing I wanted was for him to know what I had done with his son, especially since he was the one who introduce Adelaide to Luke - but something about their relationship has never been healthy. That's why part of me thinks that Luke didn't regret what he had done. It was his escape.

And now he was mines, and for the love of god, I couldn't get him out of my mind. No matter how hard I tried.

Heaving a large sigh, I slip on both my heals and give myself one last look in the mirror before my phone starts ringing. Swiftly, I walk forward to my nightstand and grab the small thing. Luke's face flashes on the screen. I stare it for a few seconds, debating if I should pick it up.

Deciding it was best to get the awkward moment over now rather than later, I quickly clear my throat, swipe on the green button and bring the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I ask, my voice soft.

"Nicole, great, you picked up." He says in a surprised tone and the fact that he sounds so surprised and happy cues the butterflies in my stomach. I hear a large breath escape on the other line.

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I?" I ask him, but I already knew that answer to that. Luke doesn't respond right away; the line is quiet but I know he is still there because I could hear his breathing. Feeling the awkward tension rise, I find myself saying the very thing I was afraid of doing but I knew It had to happen sooner or later. "Listen Luke, we need to talk." I tell him.

"We do." He says almost too fast. "I'm actually in my car outside your house, think you can come out?" He asks.

My eyebrows knit together. "Ohm, yeah I'll be right there." I tell him and then the line is shut. I grab my purse and shove in my keys and phone before sliding my hand in through the handles. I spray a little bit of my rose perfume, paint my lips with my favorite pink lipstick and surely enough, as I open my house door, there parked in front of my house as he promised was Luke's car. "Well, here's goes nothing."

I walk over to his car, pull open the door handle and step inside. I could feel his eyes burn holes on my body as I close the door and turn to look at him, his dreamy eyes. The only thing I could remember was how compelling they were when he had asked me if I wanted ride home the night at the bar, and how they looked up at me when he was tasting my cherry. How soft his lips were when he left trails off kisses down my neck, my breasts, my stomach until he reached the spot. How hard his back was when I tried scratching it from how fast he was thrusting into me and how amazing his movements were. In that moment, I wanted nothing but his body again.

Right now, I couldn't think of anything but how fantastic that night was. And how I wanted it to happen again. But I wasn't here for that, I was here for a mature adult talk.

"I can't get Friday night out of my mind." He says. His eyes gazing right into mines. "All I keep thinking about is you, your body, your words, your lips. Saturday morning, Adelaide had asked me where I was all night, I told her the office but you have no idea how much I wanted to say with you. I don't know what got into me. I thought I loved her, I really did but now I'm not so sure. Because if I did love her, then I wouldn't have done what I did with you." His words were soft but they held a lot of meaning and I almost didn't know what to respond with. "And I'm not so sure she's the -"

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