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Lily POV
I woke up the next morning thinking about last night. It made a huge smile go across my face. I can't believe I'm dating him. The love of my life.

But I don't know how I'm gonna cope without being able to show him love with Brian always around because he would kill Shawn if he found out we are dating because Shawn's Brian's best friend and if he knew his little sister was dating Shawn he would go mental, but when he finds out he's just going to have to live with it because we live each other.

I was taken out of my thoughts with a knock on the door.
I got off of my bed and opened the door. It was Shawn. I smiled at him. He had a smile on his gorgeous face.

He turned me around and gently pushed me into my room and he slated down on my bed. I straddled his waist and started kissing him passionately. He kissed back. He turned us over so he was on top and I was on the bottom. He started sucking on my neck. I started to quietly moan so Brian wouldn't hear us.
"S-Shawn, we need to get ready and wake Brian up so we can go to school and tell them about the tour" I said moaning because he made me feel so good and I really didn't want to break this moment but I had to.

"Ugh fine" he said pulling away from my neck.

He got up off of  he bed and helped me sit up and he pecked my lips before he left the room to go wake Brian up and to get dressed.

I quickly got into the shower and did my daily routine with my makeup and hair and got dressed.

I walked out of my room to see Shawn walking out of Brian's with a shirt in his hands putting it on. His abs make me melt every time. He smirked. I looked down an made my way to the stairs. I felt a large hand come into contact with my ass.

I turned around and gave Shawn a glare as a joke.

"Oooo someone's feisty today" he said smirking. I laughed and smirked at him before heading downstairs to the kitchen To get something to eat.

Brian was in the kit kitchen eating as per usual.
"Are you ready to come to the school with me and Shawn or are you staying here" I said to him as Shawn walked in the room behind me. I looked at him go to the fridge and get a bottle of water and pick up his car keys off of the hook. I went to the cupboard to get 2 snack bars on for me and one for Shawn. I walked over to him and gave it to him, he thanked me.

"Brian, you coming or not" I said to him one last time.

"No I think I'm just gonna sit and chill here until you two get back and then we can all get ready for the tour" Brian said.

"Ok see you later" I said.

"Okay cutie lets go" Shawn said and we all went quiet when he realised we were still in front of Brian.

"What did you just say" Brian said lifting his eyebrow up slightly.

"I said okay lily let's go, what did you think I said" Shawn said out of nervousness.

"Oh nothing bro, I thought you said something else" Brian said chuckling out of relief.

"Okay bye Brian" me and Shawn both said.

"Bye guys have fun" Brian said.

Me and Shawn both walked out of the door and to Shawn's black jeep. He opened the door for me to get in (what a gentleman) and got in on the drivers side. He pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the school.

(Skip drive to school)
We walked up to the front desk and asked if we could talk to the head teacher.
It took about 5 minutes for us to actually go and talk to him.

Brothers best friend - Shawn Mendes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon