I went over and slapped the bag lightly.

"Come on, more force," she called out, "How about a punch?"

I punched the bag a little harder than when I slapped it; which still wasn't very hard. 

"You can't even slap a bag? You're so weak," some random stuck up lady said, "I mean look at her, she's all bones, she's good for nothing. "

Hearing that made me angry. She doesn't even know me! Who does she think she is? She's just like Mavor. Mavor! It's his fault I'm here! It's all his fault, I hate him!

I punched the bag taking all of my anger out on it. With that one punch the bag fell to the floor taking a chunk of the ceiling with it.


The room filled with gasps and then an awkward silence.

"Well I guess you're in a higher class after all," the lady muttered.

"It was probably just old," Mitch frowned.

"Still none of these ladies could have done that."

I smiled sheepishly, "I'll pay for that."

"Don't worry about it. We don't use it anyway," she waved it off.

"Okay then follow me and we'll get your paperwork ready for you to move up."

"Is it an all girls class too?"

"No I'm sorry there aren't usually girls who have strength that come here, so we have to move you into the boys class. Is that alright?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah I guess so."

"Yeah you'll be with me," Mitch came over and took off the head gear. He was actually kind of cute.

"Okay you go and give this to Jerry the trainer upstairs," she said handing me some papers.

"Okay," I gave her a small smile as Mitch pulled my arm.

"C'mon Angel. I mean— can I call you that?" Mitch said walking with me towards the stairs.

"Yeah that's actually what my friends call me." I smiled.

"Okay. Oh and I wanna apologize again for falling on you," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay," I smiled, "That reminds me why were you down there if you're in this class?"

We stopped at a door and he twisted the handle, I couldn't see over him but the room sounded like it was full.

"We drew straws and I lost so I had to go down with those ladies to be a test dummy."

"Oh," I frowned. Why would they need to draw straws?

"Hey Jerry! We got a new kid."

"Where?" a man asked, whom I guess must be Jerry.

"Right here," he bumped me with his hip.

"You got the wrong kid Mitch. That's a girl, " he laughed.

"Well she has the paperwork," he said and nudged me again, "Show him."

I stepped forward and handed him the papers.

"Well I'll be damned. You should be in this class. But you still have a lot of work to do since you don't know any techniques."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Well for today you should just sit and watch what the guys do okay?" he told me and pointed out some mats for me to sit on, "Mitch here will keep you company, and explain the moves."

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