Chapter 1104

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Jamal's POV
Idk man, something's up with Jasmine and she's playing off like everything's okay but I can tell suin is annoying her.
I think it's something happening at home because she's been staying over mine lately and she's always stalling to go home which isn't usually like her

Jasmine's POV
I sighed and unlocked my front door and walked into my house.
It was silent
Wow that's a first
I walked into the kitchen and looked around.
Fucking hell
Well the kitchen's trashed
Which means my parents had an argument
Actually it means my dad got annoyed by something and my mum couldn't give less of a shit 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
I got a bottle of water outta the fridge and went upstairs to my room and shut the door.
I dealt with my hygiene and put on my leopard print onesie and started on some work, only to be stopped by my dad shouting 🙃🙂.
I blazed music from my speakers to drain it out

Isis's POV
So it's been nearly a month since Jason was born and he's been to about 2 Chelsea matches so far and he seems to love it really which is good.
"Btw Isis-"
I looked up at my mum who was rocking Jason in her arms
"I have a job for you and your sisters..."
"Alright, what is it?"
"I'm bringing out some new makeup and I want you and the triplets to be in the photo shoot"
"Oh cool, when?"
"This Sunday"
"Thanks Isis"

Aaliyah's POV
Raven and Caine went out today, I love seeing them bond tbh, they remind me of me and Isaac.
Tyrell went out with Ranelle and Ciara, daddy's little girls
I started to clean up and do the laundry so I collected the laundry from the kids rooms

I went into Raven's room and she left a notebook on her desk. I started flicking through and I was actually shocked.
Raven has drawn some really really really nice designs. Oh my days they're amazing
I wonder why she hit them?
She could legit get her own collection, these are amazing
Imma be talking to her about it when she gets home.

Raven's POV
"Is Kairo treating you well?"
I looked up from my plate and smiled "Yh course he is"
He nodded "good"
"Just checking, I told both of you when you first started dating that if he even fractures your heart, I'm gonna have to kill him" he said with the most neutral expression
"You're so overprotective" I giggled
He just looked at me "can't let people think they can take my sister- my twin sister for a prick now can I"
I smiled and laughed "love you too Caine"

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