I frowned at his words, straightening up my mage's outfit, "I have a question that seems kind of stupid to ask now." The others stopped. "Why doesn't Riltresik just come through instead of his Menaces? Why doesn't he just come and get rid of us himself, now? Why did he stay in the Northern Sector all this time? He gave us time to get stronger, to find a way to kill him."

The rest of the group seemed to be thinking about it, Merkell was the only one who appeared to have any idea on the matter.

"Riltresik would not risk coming here without a large force by his side. He knows that when he breaks through the mountains, I will be alerted and you know how close he came to losing the last time. He may have given you time to grow stronger but he has also given himself more time to do the very same. Once he has enough of his creatures on this side of the mountains, he will come through and it will be the war of the ages."

I shuddered at his words and rubbed my arms, it suddenly felt much colder out there.

"When will the leaders call for the meeting?" Blaike asked and I frowned in confusion which was apparently shared with Emy, whose head was tilted to the side.

"We will hear word very soon, you will all be as ready as I can make you by the time we must leave," Merkell replied to Blaike.

"What meeting? Who's leaving to go where?"

"There will be a war meeting with the leaders of the three Sectors, as well as the Elders and of course, the five of you, held in a secret location only decided on when everyone is travelling. It will happen on our journey to the Eastern Sector, where we will face Riltresik and we will either put an end to the darkness he spreads... or die trying." Merkell's words were solemn and it definitely left a tangible chill around the group.

"You're coming with us then?" Emy asked and I realised I hadn't even considered where he might be while we were fighting.

Merkell actually laughed at her question. "Of course I am, where did you think I would be?" Emy shrugged and smiled, a sentiment shared around the group. "I will be with you but I will not be fighting Riltresik, that is up to the five of you. Nenny and I have discussed it in great detail. I will however, be killing as many Dark Horrors, Terrors and Scavengers that I can get my magical hands on."

He sounded a little terrifying and it almost made me smile, I was extremely glad that he was on our side.

"Do you really think we can do it?"

I was shocked to hear Kaleb was the one asking, he and Blaike had always been so confident about these things. I didn't expect him to doubt our abilities and it made me bite my lip.

Someone was watching me but I didn't need to look to know who it was, I felt a hand slide into mine and squeeze gently.

"Do not worry, he just needs a little reassurance every so often. We can do this and we will." Blaike spoke quietly and I smiled as I looked up at him.

"Its nice to know we all get a little worried now and then, thank you for my reassurance, too." I squeezed his hand back and returned my attention to Merkell.

"I think you are capable of succeeding, you could practice forever but it will never fully prepare you for the day. You are all stronger than anyone your age should be, you can do extremely difficult magic without exhausting yourselves and there are five of you. You have a much greater chance of succeeding than I did." He didn't sound bitter or disappointed, it was as though he was stating a well known fact.

The mood around the group lifted slightly, we were all trying to see what Merkell saw in us. Blaike and I were still holding hands but Merkell made no comment about it. I assumed Emy must have spoken to him at some point, either or he just wasn't surprised. He dismissed us after a few more words about what we would be doing in our next lesson. He also hinted at us learning how to make Kayle a Vessel but he was brief and seemed distracted. I wondered if he was worried about teaching us how to do it.

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