Chapter 26

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Yugi's POV

We're all standing there in the meeting room with the council and they are in deep discussion. "No one has been able to block the bond before. The only way to sever it is by death," says a male vampire. "Well the reason we are shying away from that is because he didn't feel his death like he normally would," says a female. "And we know Joey wouldn't run off like that," says Ryou. "Yes he's too close too you guys to do that. We'll send out our best trackers to find him," says Pegasus. "May we please go out and find him. He's our friend," says Yami. "Normally we wouldn't cause you're too close to him. However you and Yugi are two of our best trackers so yes you can," says Pegasus.

"They'll set out at sunset tomorrow," says a woman. "But we need to look now," says Seto. "It's too close to sunrise and we can't have you caught out there without protection," says the woman. "Can we go? We're human. Maybe we can at least find something and send the vampires in the right direction," says Tristan. "Alright but don't go into a place too shadowy and be back before sundown. If it looks bad come back. We don't need to lose anyone," says Pegasus. "Alright we'll be careful," says Ishizu. They set off and discover an old abandoned building at the edge of the wall.

"We'll check it out when the sun sets. You guys go rest," says Yami and they leave after they've reported to us. "Could Joey be in there," I ask. "Yeah he could be," says Yami. I just want to find my friend. We cuddle on the couch just waiting for the sun to set. We may be able to walk out in the sun, but we are at our strongest at night. Seto has been pacing in our living room for the last hour. "Seto you are going to wear a hole in my floor," I say. "Sorry," he says quietly. "Seto we'll find him," says Yami. "I want to be out there looking," he says. We wait for another two hours before the sun finally sets and us three take off towards the house. Once we get outside it, I can smell Joey.

"Oh he's definitely in there," I say. "I smell him lets go in," says Seto. We go into the rotting house and the smell is horrifying. The smell of the rotting house mixed with the smell of death and blood is nauseating. "I don't like the smell," I say. "I know it's not a great smell," says Yami. We journey down to the basement where the smell is the greatest and see Joey chained up. "Well look who showed up," says a deep voice. Seto goes to run to Joey but Yami stops him. Joey is rigged with some sort of trap that would kill them both if it's tripped. "Who the hell are you," asks Yami. "My name is Ajax and I've got your boy here," he says and then three chairs appear in light across from him.

"Come have a seat," he says and I go out and sit down. Yami and Seto stay back not wanting to. "Or don't," he says and then there's a wall between me and them and Yami is pounding on the clear wall. "I guess little Yugi is the first one up. Think you can solve the trap and free Joey," he says. "Wait what if you free Joey and I stay here? Can they walk away," I ask. "Unfortunately that's not entertaining. Now you will have about 10 minutes to solve this trap. Go," he says and I study the trap. The first thing is see is the floor trips around him. How can I get past those? Wait my levitation power! He didn't say I couldn't use my powers.

I study the puzzle that the lock is consisted of. I've used up most of my time already and I make the realization that the puzzle is a distraction. The real lock is on his neck and he has to be bit to unlock it. I'm sorry Seto. I fly to him and bite him. I hear the buzzer go off not two seconds after I bite him. No! I remove the chains as quick as I can and I can hear a blade being positioned. Once I get the restraints off, I immediately toss him to the side and I feel a sword pierce me and stab me through the heart and protrude from my chest. I hear Yami scream my name in agony and I collapse.

"Oh well but he succeeded so guess what you get to go home but he doesn't look so good," he laughs. "You evil monster," Yami screams as he runs to me once the wall is down. "Aww what a nice compliment. I'll be leaving you now bye bye," he says before he's silent and then clicks sound and Joey is released falling into Seto and Yami. "Baby speak to me," says Yami. "He's safe now p-pal," I say in so much pain and my vision is fading. "I love you baby," he says with tears in his eyes. "I love you too. I am sorry," I say before my eyes slip shit and everything is black.

**Thank you all who read this! You are all amazing. The next chapter will be the last chapter of the book. There may be an epilogue but there definitely will be a second book. Thanks for reading, voting and, commenting and I'll see you in the next chapter!**

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