Chapter 18

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**Oh my gosh! This story has 1K reads. Thank you all so much for reading this. I really appreciate it. Hope all is well in the land of the Puzzleshippers. I will let you guys get to reading.**

Yugi's POV

It has been 2 weeks since I have turned Atem and he has quickly grown as a vampire. He has the power of mind control, telekinesis, and he has the ability to see your worst nightmares and bring them to life. (AN: Yami Yugi season 0 anyone. Back to your regularly scheduled Puzzleshipping) It is similar to his shadow magic, but the shadow magic can only be an illusion. His abilities can make it real or remain an illusion. He accidently indused one of Marik's nightmares when he dyed Yami's hair blue in his sleep.

If he did that to mine, I would have become his worst nightmare. Well, Yami did become one of his. Gosh that took forever to dye it back to the way it was. He had me make the black slightlly darker and the crimson now matches his eyes more. As long as he's happy so am I. Yami and I have also had a game going for two weeks. Who can crack with sexual frustration before whom? We can't touch each other at all. It is torture, but I refuse to lose this one. After all, I held in my feelings for Yami longer than this. It should be simple.

Wrong, it is far from it and it's driving me crazy. "Argh," I yell and bury my face in my hands. "Why don't you two give up on this insane game," says Joey. "Nope, I ain't cracking before he does," I say stubbornly. "You two are both torturing yourselves. Anyways I must ask, where did innocent little Yugi go," he asks with a smile on his face. "Innocent Yugi walked out the door when I met Atem," I say. "No surprise there. My flew out the window after Seto told me he liked me," says Joey.

"Hey I thought it was the other way around," I say. "Nope. Surprise, Kaiba broke before I did. Though it was better for us in the end," he says and looks out the window. "Yeah and you two are happy together. That's all that counts right now," I say. "Do you know when tweedle dee and tweedle dum are gonna get back," asks Joey. "They had some severe weapons training this morning so it will be a while," I say and grab the glass of wine I have sitting on the coffee table. I never really liked it before, but it mixes well with blood.

"So did you here that Mai has found love," says Joey. "No way who," I ask. "Some guy whom she works with down at the intake building. I have been watching him. Despite us not seeing each other in a while, I still consider her a friend and want to look out for her wellbeing," he says. "Yeah, I'll have to meet him. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but I just want to be sure before Mai jumps in head first. Also when are you going to have Seto turn you," I ask. "Well I talked to him about it and he wants to practice more control," he says.

We hear a knock on the door and I get up and open it. "Guess who's here bitches," says Marik. Malik gives him the are you serious look. "What I gotta make an entrance," he says. "Well with that aside, how's it going you two," asks Ryou. "Great actually," I say. The only ones who know about my and Yami's game is Seto and Joey. "Why wouldn't they be? Yugi can go all out now and not break him," says Bakura who earns a smack on the head from Ryou. "So where's Tristan, Ishizu, and Anzu," I ask.

"Anzu is practicing for the show she's gonna be in. As for Tristan and Ishizu, they are occupying each others time if you get what I mean," says Marik who earns a hard smack from Malik. "No way. That's awesome. I'm so happy they could make each other happy," I say. We all chat and play games for a while before it was time for them to head back. Bakura and Marik have already asked me to change them and I said yes, but they have to wait till I have Yami and Seto trained better. Joey lets out a big yawn.

"The human is tired," I say. "Yeah, this whole night is day and day is night is still messing with me," he says rubbing his eyes. "Well, it's to better protect ourselves from the rabids," I say. "I know, but it's still irritating. Anyways I'll see you later," says Joey who stumbles over to his own apartment. I smile and pull out a box I had hidden in a drawer in the coffee table. I opened it to see the daylight necklace I had made for Atem. It was the exact same as mine except the silver was gold.

It turns out that I am a Master vampire so I am alotted a daylight necklace made for master vampires. Since I have the one Caius gave me, I decided to give this one to Atem. I put the box into my blue jacket pocket and go and retrieve my dueling deck. Atem and I have been dueling on and off for a while, but I like to keep him on his toes. I am still looking over my cards when I hear him come up the stairs. "Finally he is done," I say. He stumbles in the door exhausted. "Oh Yami, you don't look very good," I say going up to him.

"Just a hard day today is all," he says and he looks ready to pass out. Screw the game. I grab his hand and pull him to the couch. I sit him down and climb on top of him straddling his knees. "Aibou, what are you," he starts to say but stops when he smells the blood coming from my neck from the fresh cut. I bring him forward so he can drink and he does with vigor. They must have seriously pushed him over the limit today. I ignore the pleasure coursing through my veins and focus my energy on Yami.

He pulls away breathing hard. "Thank you Aibou," he says. I can tell he took a lot of blood, but I barely feel it's affects. "Your welcome Mou Hitori," I say laying my forehead against his. "I'd say we both lost this one," he says. "I don't exactly care about the game anymore. Nor do I care to start another," I say. "Fine by me my mate," he says and licks my neck. "H-hold on, I have something for you," I say. He pulls away and gives me a curious look. I smile and pull out the box from my pocket and hand it to him.

He opens it and gasps. "Is this what I think it is," he says with tears in his eyes. "Yes, it's your daylight necklace. It's a master vampires daylight necklace and I already have mine. So, I decided to give this one to you," I say. He brings me forward in an embrace. "You don't know how much this means to me Aibou," he says shakily. I knew he was missing the sun. Our windows block most of it, so it takes away the affect. "I can't wait to take you out to see the sunrise later," I say and kiss his temple.

I take the necklace from it's box and place it around his neck with the Puzzle and his choker. He kisses each of my cheeks, eyes, forehead, and nose before giving me a kiss on the lips. "Thank you Yugi," he says. I smile at him and caress his cheek. He leans into my touch and purrs. "We'll go out to see the sun in a few hours," I say. "Hmm plenty of time," he says and smirks devilishly as he carries me to our bedroom.

**Here you guys go. Next chapter is out and this is just the calm before the storm. Thanks again for 1000 reads and I will see you in the next chapter!**

My Light Within The Darkness (Yami x Yugi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя