Chapter 14

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**Heyo guys. Time for another chapter of this story. I am going to be posting the first chapter to another story shortly. I'm really happy with how this one is turning out and hope that the next one does the same. I'll let you guys get to it.**

Yugi's POV

Kaiba looks at me wide eyed. "You're serious," he asks. I nod at him. "As soon as you can," he says. "Yami take Joey upstairs," I say and Yami guides a confused Joey upstairs. 'You can tell him,' I say through the link. I guide him to a room that has a table on it. "Lay on the table," I say and he lays down. I use leather straps to strap him down. "Why are you," he asks. "Because I don't need you injuring yourself," I say. I grab knife that's laying on the table and walk over to him. "What are you gonna do," he asks.

"First I need to feed you my blood," I say and slash my wrist. Blood wells from the cut. I put my wrist to his mouth and force him to drink the blood. He coughs at the taste. "I know it tastes bad, but you need quite a bit of it," I say and continue to force it down his throat. When I know he has had enough to complete the change, I pull my wrist away from his mouth and bring my wrist to my own mouth to close the wound. "Now what," he asks coughing. "Now... this," I say and snap his neck.

I can practically hear Joey's scream from down here. 'Yami, hold him down and shut him up,' I say through the link as I head out and lock the door behind me. "You caused a ruckus Yugi-boy," says Pegasus. "Oh I know that Joey felt that one. Yami felt my death too, but he was watching so he so he felt it even before I died," I say. "Go to him and calm him," he says. I head up the stairs at vampire speed to my apartment. I see Yami pinning a screaming Joey down to the coach. I move Yami off of him and I pin him down using both arms and legs.

"Joey listen to me. It will fade. Let it fade," I say. "What did you do Yugi you bastard," he screams. "He wanted to be changed and in order to do so he had to die. What your feeling is his death," I say and it's like something in him snaps. He stops screaming and just pants underneath me. "He really asked you to change him," Joey asks. I get off of Joey and nod. He looks at Yami. "This has to be what you felt when Yugi died," he says to him. "I felt a stabbing in my heart. I felt searing pain in my head. I could feel as his life just slipped away," says Yami.

Tears brim in his eyes and I wrap my arms around him. He buries his face in my hair and immerses himself in my scent. "Shh Yami shh. I am right here by your side," I say. He sobs into my hair and I can feel the tugging at my heart from the bond. It is telling me that my mate is in distress. I massage his hair and hum to him to calm him. Soon his sobs turn into hiccups and I feel him collapse against me. I carry him bridal style into our room. I lay him on the bed for him to rest.

I kiss his forehead and brush the bangs out of his face along with the dried tears. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. "That's why he wanted this," says Joey. "Yeah, he saw what Atem and I have and he wants the same for you and himself. He wants that connection with you," I say. Joey cries at that. I give him a hug. "It's ok Joey. Feel it and let it out," I say. He sobs into my shoulder. "I know Joey. I know," I say. He calms himself down and lets go. "Thanks Yugi. I really needed that," he says.

"Anytime Joey," I say. "So when will I be able to see Kaiba again," he asks. "He will be awake in about 48 hours or so. After that, I will test his control and if he proves to as stubborn with his control as everything else, then you may see him the next day," I say. "Thanks, do you mind if I go home now," he asks. "Actually, pack your things Joey. You'll be moving into the tower with your vampire as soon as he's done changing," says Pegasus who I didn't realize was there. "How did you get in here," I ask.

"You left your door unlocked," he says and I facepalmed. That was dumb of me. He wanders back out the door, leaving a confused Joey just standing there. I give him a nudge and he snaps out of it. "Wow I get to live here with you two," he says. I nod and smile at him. "I'm gonna go start packing. I would ask you to help, but you got your hands full with sleeping beauty in the basement and your bedroom," I roll my eyes at him and kick him out the door. "See ya later Yug," he says as he starts down the hall to the elevator.

I walk back into the apartment and lock the door this time. I walk into our bedroom and see Yami still asleep. I smile at his sleeping form. I sit down next to him and he instinctively wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles into me. I massage his scalp and he moans in his sleep. I laugh at him and continue my actions. "Nothing will take me away from you ever again. I promise," I say. "The same goes for you," he says groggily. His eyes are barely open, but I can tell he's waking up.

"I know. You're too stubborn for that," I say and he gives me a shove. He pulls me on top of him so I am straddling his waist. He grips my hands and kisses my knuckles. "So now that we are bonded, when does the mating ceremony happen," he asks. "Whenever the couple feels ready," I say. He smiles and kisses my palm. "I am ready whenever you are," he says. "You want to be able to protect me don't you," I say with a giggle and he smiles at me. "Oh that may be one of the things," he says and his crimson eyes glow with mischievousness.

"The other is that I can finally have all of you," he says and kisses my lips. I pull away after about a minute. "You already do, but I get what you mean," I say. He definiely feels the attraction there. It's only a matter of time before my self-control flies right out the window. The bond has made it significantly harder to resist him, but I won't tell him that. "Oh I will take note of that thought Aibou," he says with a smirk. I left the mind link open again. I keep saying baka through the link and he laughs.

'My beautiful Hikari you are no such thing,' he says through the link. I shudder beneath him. 'You are the light in my eyes. My guide through the dark. You shine brighter than the brightest star. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever walked this earth to me. I would have given up my fortune and title in Egypt when I was Pharaoh just to have you for one day,' he says through the link and that brought tears to my eyes. 'To me you are still my Pharaoh. You are the comfort in the shadows. My reason to not be afraid of anything. You were and still are my reason to fight and stay,' I say.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me too him. I bury my face in his neck and take in his scent. That spicey scent that is mixed with something Ancient. It's almost like the desert sands of Egypt. He runs his hand up and down my back. I give his neck comforting licks and love bites. He shivers and moans. "You know when I thought about the world we were in when you were human, I swore to protect. I still do though it has been feeling like it's the other way around," he says. I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"You'll always be my Guardian and protecter, but I will also be yours," I say. I smile and look at his sword in the corner. "Did you ever name that thing," I ask. He nods. "I named it Sword of Revealing Light," he says with a smile. "That's where that card came from," I say. "Yes, my sword created the card and followed me through time," he says. "At least you got it back when Caius let us enter the armory," I say. He smiles and rests his forehead against mine. "When do you want to do the mating ritual," he asks.

"Well I at least want to wait till Kaiba awakens form his slumber before I turn another vampire. I can bet that Bakura and Marik are gonna want the same thing as Kaiba once they figure it," I say. He nods. "I agree it would be less stress for you my love," he says. He pulls me down so I am resting on him. "I wish I could just lay like this forever with you," he says. "I know," I say and hold him to me. I couldn't imagine a life without him now. If he were to go then I would take my own life to follow him.

I look up at the tv. I wonder what's on. I turn enough to grab the remote and point it at the tv to turn it on. I can see some of my favorite anime is here. "I wonder how this is still broadcasting," I ask. "He probably has something set to automatically play episodes," says Yami. I just shrug and go back to watching. I think about mating with Atem some more and decide that as soon as Kaiba is awake and ok, i am gonnna see about changing Atem. Something was telling me that he needed it done soon.

**That's it for this one. Thanks so much for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter!**

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